☺32☺Hisui's Sleepover Part 1

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"Are you going to be okay, Kasamatsu-senpai? This is the first time for you to go to a girl's house." Kise said to Kasamatsu.

"Shut up, Kise! I will be fine. It's Hisui after all..." He doesn't seem like it but he was really nervous because he had never been to a girl's house before. "Hey, does everyone have everything they need? Hisui won't have stuff to provide for us if we forget a thing."

"I am all packed! I am ready for a great, romantic time with her!" Moriyama was the most excited one of the group; this was a dream! A man's dream!

"Moriyama, you're making it obvious you are making a move on her..." Kobori said to the Shooting Guard, "Hayakawa, you have your stuff all packed?"

"Yep! I can't wait! I haven't went to Hisu-chan's house fo(r) a sleepove(r) fo(r) a long time! I am excited!!"

"Hayakawa-senpai, you've been to Hisui-senpai's house, huh?" Kise asked the Power Foward of the team, "What is her room like?"

"It's nice!! Hisu-chan's bed smells like he(r) shampoo!"

"What?!" Kasamatsu suddenly grabbed the Power Forward into the Boston Crabhold, a wrestling move where you sit on the opponen'ts back and you grabbed their legs and bend backward. "You bastard! How dare you sleep on the same bed as her!"

"We were little!"


"Captain, time out! Time out!"

The Kaijou team all have their bags with them that's full of their spare clothes, clean underwear, towels, toothbrushes, and their needed items. Their punishment was very simple: Go to Hisui's house for a sleepover. She said they owe her since she's had many bad days since they kicked her out of the club. Kasamatsu can see why she would be upset about it and he decided to indulge her and allow her to have things her way.


The regulars heard the freshmens call her name and she was smiling at everyone and gave them all a smiley greeting.

"Seeing that smile again is pretty nice..." Kobori was glad to see Hisui smiling like usual, "It goes to all of us that we don't like to see her cry, huh?"

"Ah." Kasamatsu looked at Hisui and he smiled a little as she talked to the freshmens. "Oi, Hisui! Get your ass over here!"

"Oh! You're finally appreciating this very fine butt! You've got taste!"

"Shut up and tell us if you are ready!"

"Yes! I am ready to take all of you to my place! We are going to have so much fun! I haven't had a sleepover in ages!" She was so excited, like a school kid, "All of you will have so much fun!"



Moriyama, Kasamatsu, and Kobori were surprisingly nervous as they entered the Toyohira household. Hayakawa was not nervous at all since he's used to it.

"Hisui-senpai, it's very homely here." Kise looked around the dining room and the open kitchen, liking the homely feeling.

Kise smiled when he saw a picture frame of a young Hisui and her parents. Young Hisui looked adorable!

"Hisui-senpai! You looked so cute! How old were you?!"

"Oh that? I was 5."

"So cute!" Kise touched the picture frame with a smile on his face.

"Eh, you were so little. Well, you are still little compare to us but you've shown improvement." Kasamatsu came over and looked at the picture frame too and he thought Hisui looked adorable too.

My Soul, Your Beats~KnB~Kaijou~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora