☺27☺ It's time to head back

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It was the night before they return to Kanagawa. Hisui was at the garden, looking at the photos from the camera she had taken over the training camp. Most of them were her and the others, she couldn't help but laugh at the group photos. It's so fun being with all of them and she wished days like this would last for a lifetime. 

"Hisui-senpai?" Kise walked over to the bench and sat next to her. He looked at the photos from the camera nd he smiled at it. "Haha, Hisui-senpai is cute in every one of them." 

"You're not bad yourself! You're the model here so obviously you would look good in them." Hisui laughed, "Ryouta, this winter is the last time you'll play basketball with our senpais..." 

"Hm?" He sensed a little bit of hurt from her voice when she sid that, "Senpai?" 

"You're so lucky you are a guy, Ryouta..." She always wondered what it's like to play in an official match with the others. Would she get stage fright because there will be many eyes set upon the court? She wouldn't know that because she will never go on that court...

"Senpai, I don't think you should be upset at all." Kise said to her, "It's true Senpai won't be on the same court as us but you get to see a different us when we are off the court. That is something no one else will be able to see." 

"You're quite a deep person yourself."

"I think I am lucky to have been able to come to Kaijou." Kise said to her, "I get to meet senpais who look out for me...and you, Hisui-senpai." 

"You feel that way?" 

"Of course!" 

"I'm happy to know that! I feel much better already!" She scooted over to Kise and set the camera to capture mode. "Ack! I can't get you in the picture!" 

"Haha! Senpai is short! Here..." He took the camera from her and he held it high. He pulled his senpai close to him, "Say cheese!" 


Looking at the photo, Hisui and Kise were happy of its outcome. 

"Hahaha! That is a nice smile!" Hisui laughed. 

"Right? I love Senpai's goofy smile." Kise openly say to her, making squeal. 

"Whee~! Ryouta loves me~!" She was laughing so much that she woke a very angry Kasamatsu up. 

"Hey! Do you any idea what time it is?! Get your ass back up here and go to sleep!" 

Hisui and Kise looked up at the angry Kasamatsu and she decided to snap a photo of him shouting down at them. This picture will be treasured for a very long time...


"Back to Kanagawa we go!" Hisui announced loudly in front of the coach's van, "Let's go back home and kick some ass!" 

"Why is she so active first thing in the morning?" Kasamatsu wanted to hit her but he's too tired to do that. 

"Are we missing anyone?" The coach looked back at them to see that someone was missing. "Why is Kise not here? Knowing him, he's probably held back by his fans. Toyohira, go and drag him back." 

"Sure!" Hisui went off to find the attractive blonde. 

"Coach, you do realize you've just sent her to the lion's pit?" Kobori rolled his eyes and ran after Hisui; Kobori have seen many different types of Kise's fan: They usually range from normal to obsessive to the point of freaky. 

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