☺2☺ Treat this like an otome game!

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What do managers even do?

Hisui become the manager for the boys basketball team but she doesn't have a clue what she should do. Hisui doesn't want to do anything too troublesome because she couldn't be bothered. She'd rather eat and play instead of doing something troublesome. She knew she shouldn't have given those custard-filled donuts away...

"Toyohira, come here."  Takeuchi called her over. She was busy watching the boys play a practice match and then decide the regular's lineup. They were really quick to decide who will play in official games because they were hungry for victory. She doesn't understand why they were hungry for something that cannot be eaten but she ignored that and went over to Takeuchi. "You should get to know the team and such. As a manager, you need to help out the captain and the vice-captain a lot of the time. Just do what you think is best for the team and support them in any way." 

"I should get to know them first, huh?" 

"The most important are the regulars. Make sure their needs are your first priority." 

"Okay." It was almost like playing one of her otome games. 'Oh god this feels like a harem...!' 

'Why is she making that face?' Takeuchi had no interest in digging into her weird mind and decided to leave her alone. "Make sure you remember their names by the end of today. Okay, I'll leave it to you." He walked away from her. 

'I see! Then, I should treat this like my otome games! This is the part where I need to get to know the boys!' She thought to herself as she went over to the outside of the court to watch the regulars. 'First thing is first, I need to identify their traits...' She identified the regulars straight away because the non-regulars were using the other half of the court to train under the coach's schedule. 

"Alright, this is the first official meeting between us regulars only." Kasamatsu started, "He is annoying but that practice match we just had proved to us that this freshman, Kise Ryouta, is good enough to play alongside us. If anyone have any complaints, speak up now." 

"..." Kise looked at his new teammates. Behind his radiant smile was a boy who was a little nervous being in a completely new environment. 

'Okay... Kise Ryouta... If he were to be a character in an otome game, he would be the really popular one that most of the fangirls will go gaga over. He is the good-looking one who will get many CGs because of fanservice.' Hisui noted her thoughts down on a notepad.

"Kise, I know we will get along for sure! I will be your best friend for a whole year if you teach me how to get girls!" Moriyama gave the blonde a thumbs up and a wink.

'Moriyama Yoshitaka, from what I can tell from this morning, he is the hopeless romantic character who will spout out pick-up lines... He is the the secondary 2nd handsome character in an otome game.' Hisui noted that one down too. 

"Kise! Nice to meet you! I am Hayakawa Mitsuhi(r)o! You(r) senpai! I wi(l)(l) take ca(r)e of you!" Kise was a little shocked of the fast speech. Can he copy that? There's no way! 

'Hiro-chan is my childhood friend. Ah... I already know him. Every otome game will always have a childhood friend.' Hisui noted down again. 

"..." Kasamatsu noticed Hisui from the corner of his eyes but he chose to ignore her. He looked at Kobori to see if he had anything to say to Kise being part of the regular line-up. 

"Let's bring Kaijou to victory, kiddo!" Kobori was taller than Kise so he pat the blonde's head. Kise smiled a little at Kobori's action. 

'Aha! The very kind character! He doesn't stand out compare to the others, but it's his kindness that appeals! This is looking more like an otome game but in real life! I am so happy!"

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