☺20☺ Anime Con

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The boys all found it very weird that they all arrived at the same place at the same time. The Kaijou regulars were all confused and they were talking amongst themselves in order to establish the roots of the confusion. 

"Eh? So you guys were asked out by Toyohira too?" Kasamatsu asked, feeling a little disappointed that they were told the same thing. 

"I'm a little confused..." Kise saw five portable changing stalls with the numbers 7, 8, 10, 4, and 5. "Why do these stalls have our numbers on them? Was this planned out by Toyohira-senpai too? It's not that they didn't want to open the stalls. There's a lock on it and there's no clue as to where the keys were so they're unable to open the doors to the stalls with their jersey numbers on them.

"Well obviously 5 is mine." Moriyama stated the obvious and he earned a remark from the captain. 

"You don't say, Sherlock... Tell me something I don't know, Moriyama..." 

"The girl at the register is pretty hot." 

"Huh..." Kasamatsu showed zero interest in Moriyama's words. 

"Kise, did Hisu-chan tell you what this is about?" Hayakawa was getting impatient and he really hoped she will get here as soon as she can because he wanted to see her. 

"Well, knowing Toyohira, she probably planned something so unexpected..." Kobori's eyes shifted from the park's clock to the numbered stalls, "And these are here because she wants us to dress up and go somewhere with her." 

"Guys~! Good morning~!"

When the guys looked at the direction where the voice came from, they all stared intently because there was a girl with pink hair running up to them in a red leotard with the middle mostly cut out, red-orange spoilers with flowers on the side and high red gloves. The boys all blushed because the girl was wearing something that clearly cannot be aired on TV and she doesn't have a single ounce of shame at all. 

"Good morning to you all and I hope you have all slept well because you are all mine for the whole day~!" 

Something about this girl was off; pink hair, red eyes, lewd leotard, nice body, that voice... 

"Hisu-chan?" Hayakawa asked, recognizing her voice.

"Oh! As expected of Hiro-chan! You recognize me straight away! I'm happy~!" 

"Of cou(r)se!" Hayakawa looked up and down, "You are go(r)geous! Yuzu(r)iha Ino(r)i's cosplay suit you!"

"Yeah! I even got the wig and the red contacts! Great, huh?!"

Kasamatsu needed to cover his mouth in disbelief; he can sort of understand why guys would like cosplays; some characters in the anime world were just drop dead gorgeous! Was it okay to not like the anime character but the person doing the cosplaying?!

"As you can all see! Now, if you read the 4th chapter of the story, I have prepared your cosplay costumes for you guys. We are going to the Anime Con!" 

'So that is what this is all about...!' At that moment, the boys all realized this was not a date but a trip to the Anime Con with her...in a very revealing cosplay.


The Anime Con in Tokyo's a huge event for anime lovers. Cosplayers better get ready to pose because they're dressed up expecting to have pictures of them taken. The stalls were everywhere; cosplayers were everywhere; sounds of cameras clicking can be heard here and there; music blasting here and there, and there's many things to buy. 

My Soul, Your Beats~KnB~Kaijou~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu