☺39☺ Hisui-senpai, I...

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Kise knew how much she loved anime and games and so he took her to Akihabara without a second thought.

Seeing how happy she looked, Kise was happy. He wanted a date that she will remember for the rest of her life. He wanted her to leave with best memories...

"Ryouta, look! The 3D maneuver gear! The real thing!" She had to take a camera out and take a picture of the iconic weapon within the Attack on Titan anime. "Ahh~ I wanna slay a titan with that..." She said in pure awe. 

'She made it sound like she wants to slay Murasakibaracchi...' Kise sweatdropped, "Senpai, you're very cute for someone who likes anime..." 

"It's stereotyping that otakus are fat, sweaty men who does nothing but sit in front of the computer all day." Hisui pouted, "We anime lovers come in many different shapes, sizes, and color. It doesn't matter where you are from, if you love anime, we are all friends."

"You always have a positive outlook on things, Hisui-senpai." To him, she's like a little sunshine who can brighten anyone's day-

"Levi-heichou...!" She's staring at the cardboard cutout of one of the most popular characters of the Attack on Titan anime and she quickly passed Kise her cell phone before doing the salute. 

As Kise helped her take the picture, he thought about many things. He thought about how honest Hisui was with herself; not many people were proud to show off their interest in anime and manga in fear of being labelled negatively. Kise was aware of how some students would say bad things about her behind her back but she always told him she doesn't mind. Why? Because she's enjoying her interest so much to worry about what others think. 

"Wow! Ryouta, you can be a cameraman too if you want to! You make me look cute!" She was very happy with the picture Kise took for her. She's very easy to please, making her a pleasant girl to approach.

"It's because Hisui-senpai is naturally cute." 


The two of them left the shop. Everything in that shop was pricy and though he told her he will buy anything she wanted, Hisui was okay with some posters and manga for now. Now that they were out on the street, Kise noticed how busy and packed it was...

"Senpai, it's a little crowded." He held his hand out, "Do you want to hold hands?" 

"Eh? You want to hold my hand?" 

"Of course. Here," Kise held her hand, keeping her close to him at all times. They looked like a couple from other people's point of view...

"Ooh! I like this!" At a manga cafe, she was reading Assassination Classroom. Kise ordered himself a cofee and ordered Hisui a nutella milkshake and even ordered some panini for the two of them.

"Hisui-senpai, do you like it better here or England?" Kise asked her. 

"Here." It was a very quick-drawn answer, "I get to meet Ryouta and everyone so I am happy." 


"That bag of custard donuts changed my life!" She laughed, "I really enjoy being the manager, you know? I would give anything to have this year looped again and again..."

"It would be great." Kise really loved the team. He loved being so closed-knit with everyone. "Hisui-senpai, I share the same feelings as you too! I really came to love this team..."

"Me too!" 

"And I really, really love-"

"Kise-sama?! It is you!" 

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