♥43♥ Kasamatsu's Ending

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A soft melody came out of one of their pockets and they froze; whose phone was it?

Kise checked his phone to see it's an email from a fan of his, telling him that he's her favorite and she hoped he will continue doing his best in modelling and basketball; Moriyama received an email telling him that Aquarius will have the worst luck tomorrow so it told him to prepare himself; Kobori received an email from his Mother that she has taken the washing into the house so he doesn't need to do it, and Hayakawa received an email from his brother telling him to leave the pudding within the fridge because he will die if he ate it...

Kasamatsu Yukio looked at his cell phone to see an email from a sender that he's very familiar with...

From: Hisui

- Yukio-senpai, can you come outside to the back of the gym? I want to see you...-

"Hisui..." She wanted to see him? Why doesn't she just see him here? "Oh my god..." Kasamatsu's her chosen love? Really? Him? Her love was him all this time?

Kise looked over his shoulder to see the email. Kise was a little disappointed but most of him was happy for the two of them. The others felt the same too; they had a feeling that Kasamatsu Yukio has been her true love all this time...

"Kasamatsu-senpai, you should tell her how you feel about her." Kise said to him.


"Senpai, it's so obvious that she likes you."

"Kise..." Kasamatsu looked at the other three and they too suggested that Kasamatsu should go in for it too, "You're all okay with this...?"

"Of course. Whoever she chooses, should go for it." Moriyama gave him the thumbs up, "She chose you, so go!"

"Don't treat me like a pokemon!" Kasamatsu snapped at him, "Geez... I honestly didn't think it'd be me."

"What made you think that? You're thinking too low of yourself, Kasamatsu." Kobori said to him.

"W-well..." Kasamatsu sighed, "Kise is a model; Moriyama's shameless with romance; you're very gentle with her, and Hayakawa's her childhood friend. Even though she likes to tease me, I always wondered if she was doing that because she liked me that way or if I am in her friend-zone only..."

"Captain is thinking too much!" Hayakawa laughed, "Hisu-chan is waiting, hu(rr)y and go!"

"I-I'm not-" He was about to say 'I'm not ready!' but the others ignored that and gave him a push on the back, "Guys..."

At that moment, Kasamatsu realized why the others were encouraging him to leave now; they were getting emotional. Kasamatsu thought it was very manly of them to try and smile through this despite their hearts getting shattered.

Kasamatsu took a deep breath and walked forward, never looking back. If he looked over his shoulders, he will be able to see a tearful Kobori and Moriyama comforting their now crying kouhais with a smile on their faces. Kasamatsu realized how lucky he was and how loved Hisui was...


Hisui wondered if it was a good idea to confess; what if she's friend-zoned? That's the nastiest place to be after confessing!

She loved him. She loved Kasamatsu Yukio... Everything about him made her heart leap out of her rib cage and never return. Teasing him out of fun lead her heart to him... Hisui didn't think she would ever fall in love but she has...

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