♥Bonus♥Kasamatsu Lemon♥

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(Takes place before the Valentine Special)

Toyohira Hisui was having some love related problems and she decided to share this with Moriyama Yoshitaka since he seems to be the one with knowledge about something like this. She invited Moriyama to a cafe where they can talk about this...

"Excuse me, I think I just heard wrong, but what did you just say again?" Moriyama thought he had heard wrong, did Hisui call him out to talk about 'that' over coffee? 



"I want to have sex with Yukio-senpai! And I want him to do that while he wears his socks!" Toyohira Hisui was not joking at all because she looked very serious about it, "I believe we are ready for the next level!" 

"Hisui-chan, getting him to make love to you is one thing... I just can't see the socks happening." The only thing he can see happening was Hisui getting her butt kicked for asking. Moriyama wondered why the 17 year old girl thought it was important for Kasamatsu Yukio to wear the long socks. "Why do you want him to wear the socks again?" 

"Why not? I want him to plough me while he wears his socks." 

"Please don't say it like that..." 

"Yoshitaka-senpai, it has been one of my fantasies, you know?" 

"Him making love to you in his socks?" 

"It looks good on him, doesn't it? Only Yukio-senpai can wear those socks and still look like a sexy beast. Ahh! I wanna do lewd stuff with him!" 

"You're really enthusiastic about this, aren't you? I gotta say, I am surprised Kasamatsu hasn't made a move on you yet. I mean, I know you two started dating but you both know each other so well that it's as if you have been dating for a very long time..." 

"Is it because my boobs are too small?" She started poking her own boobs, "If they are big like Touou's manager, will he do it with me?!" 

"Hisui-chan, please don't poke your boobs when you say that." Moriyama said to her, "Has he not been throwing hints at you?" 

"No, he hasn't. If he has, I have to be stupid not to notice them." 

"Are you sure?" 'Hisui-chan does have the habit of missing obvious signs...'

"Yoshitaka-senpai, I have experience of reading manga that are not appropriate for my age; if Yukio-senpai shows me signs he wants to fuck, I will definitely have noticed them!" 

"You really are enjoying this conversation a bit too much!" Moriyama exclaimed. 

"Does it make me look bad if I said I want him?" 

"I think that is rather sexy if you ask me." 

"You really think so?"

"Don't worry, Hisui-chan, I will teach you all I know-" 

"You ain't teaching anyone anything."

Kasamatsu arrived and he sealed Hisui's mouth with his hands, preventing the green eyed girl from speaking anything.  

"Kasamatsu, hey~." Moriyama can feel the killing intention within the air. Did they come from Kasamatsu?

"Don't go jolly with me, Moriyama, what were you about to teach my girlfriend?" Kasamatsu felt Hisui struggling to try and speak so he hit her on the head to make her be quiet for the time being. 

My Soul, Your Beats~KnB~Kaijou~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora