☺21☺ Dress from Moriyama

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One of them was loved by Hisui. They do not know who it was because Kasamatsu couldn't hear a single thing she said at the time. Kasamatsu wished he can go back in time and hear what she said but there's no such thing as a time machine.

"You can't ask her again?" Kise asked Kasamatsu.  

"No. She wouldn't answer me when I asked..." Kasamatsu asked her again, some time later since returning to the hotel, but she didn't answer him. No, it's more like she's refusing to give him a proper answer. 

"Kasamatsu-senpai, I honestly didn't think you'd fall for the same person as I do..." 


At the hot spring, it was only the two of them because the others said they have stuff to do before they bath. Right now, Kise and Kasamatsu were having a private conversation with one another. 

"Toyohira-senpai doesn't just focus on me. I am used to girls always focusing their gaze on me so it's nothing new." Kise looked up at the cloudless night sky, "Meeting Toyohira-senpai, she made me realize that there are girls who focus on something else other than vanity. I really like Toyohira-senpai when she's herself in front of me. She is not ashamed if she looked like a fool and she's always honest to anyone." 

"You like honest girls, huh?" 

"Senpai, you like her...so why do you hit her?" 

"That? I hit people because I care about them and I want to hit them right again." 


"I'm just joking. I guess I can be myself in front of her."

"I see. Senpai likes girls who makes you comfortable, huh?" 

"If you say it like that, it sounds right..." 

"Hey, Senpai?" 


"If Toyohira-senpai likes me...can I go for it?" Kise sat away just in case he will receive a hit from Kasamatsu. Instead of a hit, he received a rare smile from Kasamatsu. 

"Are you worried that I won't see you as my ace if Toyohira likes you?" 

"Uh..." Kise looked down with a slight blush. Kise wanted to be the one Hisui loved but he wanted to maintain the relationship he has with the team. He wondered if the team will hate him if he and Hisui were lovers. What if Hisui loved Kise? What will happen to the team? Kise found himself worrying about that. 

"Idiot, as if I am going to fall out with you over a girl." 

"But Toyohira-senpai is not just any girl..." 

"Kise, listen to me. Yeah, I like Toyohira too but I care about every one member of the team. If she likes you, then there is nothing more anyone or I can do about it. The least I can do is wish you two to be happy." 

Kise was surprised by his friend's words; Kasamatsu's a man of his every words, he will never say something and then do the opposite of what he said. Kise couldn't help but smile; his senpai was so cool. 

"Senpai, you are so cool." 

"Of course!"


After when everyone finished their business and their bath, they're getting ready for bed time. Tomorrow will be training day again and they needed to get the most out of their sleep. 

"Mo(r)iyama-san, come on! Don't be like this!" Hayakawa was trying to cheery his senpai up but there's nothing to be done to make the Shooting Guard of Kaijou happy again. 

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