☺41☺ 5 Hearts, 1 Love...

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Everyone has invitations to the Winter Ball. The Winter Ball was an event where guys will dress in their best suits and girls will dress in the prettiest prom dress they can possibly have. It's a bit like how Americans and UK people celebrate prom except the Winter Ball invited everyone from Kaijou so your year doesn't matter. 

The event also have a sweet theme of love; all girls have a single blue rose and they give their chosen date a rose, symbolizing their love story was within Kaijou High School.

The Kaijou basketball team were facing a dilemma here: Who will ask Hisui to the Winter Ball?!

"A-as the Captain, I think I should ask he(r)!" Hayakawa was quick to use his position as 'Captain' to gain the upperhand here. 

"Hayakawa-senpai, you're being unfair!" Kise complained. 

"Shut up! 1st yea(r)s has no (r)ights to steal a gi(r)l f(r)om thei(r) senpais!" 

"Eh?! That is unfair! Nakamura-senpai, say something!" 

"Hayakawa, Toyohira-san is not here today?" Nakamura realized today's rather quiet without Hisui's nonsense. Hisui really stood out considering she's not the one playing on the court...

"She said she is doing he(r) homewo(r)k!"

"I find it hard to believe that..." Kise said and Nakamura nodded in agreement.

"That has 'lie' written all over it..." Nakamura sighed; only Hayakawa was stupid enough to believe her...

Hayakawa was excited; the Winter Ball was a chance for confessions to come and flow its way to happiness. The same can be said for Kise, Kobori, Moriyama, and Kasamatsu too.

"Hayakawa-senpai, what if Hisui-senpai doesn't choose you?" 

"I am a man, Kise! A man looks fo(r)wa(r)d no matte(r) what!" That was the coolest thing Hayakawa-senpai ever said, even if he can barely hear the r's in his sentences, "Even if she chooses to love Mo(r)iyama-san, Kobo(r)i-san, you, o(r) Captain, she will always be my p(r)ecious Hisu-chan! My impo(r)tant childhood f(r)iend!"

"Hayakawa-senpai..."  Kise smiled, feeling a lot happier; Hayakawa's right. Hisui has the rights to love whoever she wants to! Even if her heart doesn't choose him, he wouldn't be able to hate her because it's true that he loved those moments with her! "Hayakawa-senpai, you are so cool!" 

"Of course!" He slapped Kise's back, "What do you take me fo(r)?!" 

"OWIE!" It's so painful! It will leave a mark! It's not as painful as Kasamatsu's hits but it was on par!

"Hmm..." Hisui can't believe she had lied to Hayakawa. She lied to him just so she can be alone in her own thoughts on the roof. She does have homework to do but she wouldn't do them until the last minute.

"Hisui, did you lie to Hayakawa about doing homework?" Kobori climbed the ladders to approach her, he was laughing because only Hayakawa would fall for such a lame excuse; he believed her too much than he bargained for...

"Kouji-senpai? How did you know I was lying?" 

"A hunch. Can I sit with you?"

"Sure." She watched him sit beside her and they looked at the floating white clouds above their heads.

He was at the basketball club before and he asked some 2nd stringers where Hisui was and he came here. He did some studying today so he was having a light break. Spending the break just watching the clouds float on by was a nice change of pace every once in a while.

My Soul, Your Beats~KnB~Kaijou~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें