♥Kise's Ending♥

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The soft melody that indicated he's got an email came from Kise's pocket. Kise took his iphone and he gasped when he saw there's an email for him. 

"Senpais, Hisui-senpai said he wants to speak to me..." Kise said to them all. He was expecting them to hit him or something but he got something much more than he expected. 

"And what are you waiting for?" Kasamatsu said to him, "Go to her, moron." 


"She obviously like you, you should go and accept her feelings." Kasamatsu said to Kise, "If you hurt her feelings in any way, I will come back from University to hit you..." That was a promise for sure.

"I can't believe she chose you! You really are lucky, Kise." Moriyama lightly hit Kise's shoulder with a smile.

"(If you hurt Hisu-chan, I will triple your training!)" Hayakawa's words were hard to decipher but Kise can tell he was wishing him luck too.

"Kise, you need to make sure you protect her from your fans, all right?" Kobori has seen the trouble of rescuing Hisui from Kise's rabid fans so he needed to remind the other about it so he will know he needed to protect Hisui.

"Sure!" After their words of luck, Kise went to Hisui's side...

Hisui emailed Kise, telling him that she's meeting him outside of the gym...

"Hisui-senpai!" Kise couldn't stop that smile of his because of that single rose in her hand, "Is that rose for me?" He asked her with a true smile, a smile reserved only for her.

"Ryouta..." Hisui was blushing and she looked at the blue rose in her hand and then into his golden eyes, "Um..." She's so nervous! She's so nervous! "Ryouta, I..." Words were clogged inside of the her throat and she found it very hard to break her confession out to him. Why was that? Why can't she honestly tell him how she felt for him? She's able to goof off with him and talk about nonsense but not confessing to him?

"Hisui-senpai, do you want me to break the ice for you?" Kise offered to her.  He can see she was very shy about confessing and he found that rather cute about her her. It's interesting how she can talk about things that ranged from normal to downright freaky but was unable to speak out a confession.

"Y-you have something to say?" 

"From the moment we met, I thought Senpai was just a silly girl who somehow seems to be immune to me." That was the very first thing Kise noticed about Toyohira Hisui, she can talk to him by actually looking at him in the eyes without falling for him on the very first day. Hisui got his eyes on her without even knowing what she did, she stood out to him by just being friendly and genuine to him. "I tell you this more than one occassion but I really like the way you can talk to me without fawning over me. Day in and day out, girls falls for me for my looks but you... You are so different from them, even more precious than them..." Kise gently held her right hand that's holding the blue rose, "I really love you a lot, Senpai..."

Hisui looked up at Kise with her bright green eyes and she slowly smiled at Kise, "Ryouta, you feel the same way too? Really? A girl like me?" 

"Of course! Hisui-senpai is definitely the one for me!" 

"I wanted to tell you this for a long time..." Hisui gave him the blue rose and he accepted her love through it. "I watched you go from a solo-player to a team-player, Ryouta, you've really grown up! I want to see you play basketball some more!" She really do like Kise in every possible ways; whether he's modelling or playing basketball, she loved Kise Ryouta for being the usual dorky blonde. "I want to have more fun days with you, Ryouta. I love you..."


Hisui hugged Kise, happy that he accepted her feelings. Her fear of being friend-zoned disappeared the moment Kise embraced her.

"Hahaha, if this was an otome game, I've just got the ending~!" Hisui happily said to him. 

"Ah! You can't just end it like that!" Kise complained, "You have to end it with a kiss!" He tilt her chin up, "What's more? This is your very first kiss from your boyfriend..." Kise kissed her on the lips, finally able to call her his girlfriend...


~Time Skip~

"On the roof of Kaijou High School, two teenagers are caught doing the dirty deeds. Hisui was doing the narration because she decided that she can do a much better job than the writer writing this story..."

"Hisui-senpai, please don't break the 4th wall..." Kise said to her, "And we are not doing anything innappropriate!" 

"Why don't you try breaking the 4th wall every now and then, Ryouta? It's fun!" 

"I'm okay, thank you..." 

"Hehe! You're no fun!" 

They were sitting against wall, eating their lunch and looking at their bad results from the midterm test. Once again, they found themselves with the hurdle from last year.

"Ugh, this doesn't look good at all..." Kise looked at his results with comical tears running down his face, the midterm results looked really bad! "This is a repeat from last year...!" He can't believe he's having this trouble again! He can't believe he's going to have to study his butt off again!

"Ryouta, if you panic, you won't get anything done..."

"Hisui-senpai, why did you score 0 on everything again?! Ugh...we are going to have to study or I won't be going to Interhigh or camp with everyone..." Kise wanted to cry and disappear and never come back; studying will be his grave...

The green eyed girl smiled cheerfully and tapped his shoulder, making him turn to her. When he turned to look at her, she poked his cheek, "It will be okay!" 

"Ugh..." Kise was still crying like big baby. Kise can't see himself passing at all; he was able to pass the midterms test because Kasamatsu was there to beat the answers into him! Without his violent senpai, how will he-

"I know! If you get 100%, we will make love♥." 

Then again, there was always Toyohira Hisui, who will be there to help him out in many ways possible. As the manager, she felt it's her responsibilty to make sure all of the Kaijou regulars will be able to play in this year's Interhigh again!

Also, since she's Kise Ryouta's girlfriend, she needed to step up her game and help her boyfriend as much as possible outside of the basketball courts!

"Eh?! Really?!" 'As expected of Hisui-senpai! She is bold enough to say something like that without hesitation!' He thought to himself.

"Yep! I need something to motivate myself too so I said to myself 'I want to have sex with my boyfriend if I pass'!" She huffed with achievement.

"All right! That is my motivation! I am so excited!" 

"Hm? You're excited?" Hisui touched the front of Kise's pants where his privates were, "Nah, little Ryouta is not that hard yet." 

"Senpai!? No! I don't mean it like that! Uwahh! Hisui-senpai is so naughty!" Kise didn't expect that at all! And he covered his face in embarrassment, "And I am not little!"

My Soul, Your Beats~KnB~Kaijou~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora