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No One's POV

No one really is worrying about Jimin being missing than the his closest friends and his brother.

Jungkook who is been always so silent and be able more colder that his usual. No, he doesn't bully anymore. His missing his lovely and beautiful nerdy. But he can't do anything because he doesn't know where actually he is. And only trust Yoongi's words. That he will go back when the right time comes.

Jimin's been always the number 1 in the academic. He even completely pass Namjoon's IQ level. It's crazy as it is. They really thought that no one will be able to bit him. But Jimin did.

They are wondering how. But then the later could do an online class. The jealous ones think he cheated. He could easily do that because his alone. But then even attending the school, he always been the perfect one in the exams.

Their final exam is now done. And actually waiting in the final results. After all there are still other track than the academic.

When it's revealed, they also doubt it. Why? Because it seems like it's been manipulated.

They are now actually in the grand hall for the most awaiting day. Their Graduation Day.

"It's actually sad that the number 1 in this school year is not here. Like you I'm wondering why he decided to take his class online. But then you also think that he manipulated everything. You already know him. His an angel to be exact can't even get angry with all the bullies that hurts him. He actually send us his speech so lend our ears and eyes for him"


"Annyeong haseyo. Naneun Min Ji Min imnida. This day actually came and our precious days in college is already done. Tho not all of us experienced all of those happy moments. But that is what life is. We only have it. But we don't have power to control it. I just want to say, I thank you. You all had been a great part of my life. Dear fellow students who looked at me with disgust. The ones who spat hurtful words to me. Those one who made me really think about suicide. And those ones who also became my wall. There is no lot of them really. I can count them with my fingers. But I'm thankful. You didn't have the same rule in my life. But you all help me to be the one who can be the one who he is now. Start the day I left school and just continue online, there are so many changes that happens. To you. To me. To all of us. And I'm actually happy about it.

Life is really cruel sometimes. But we should not let it rule us. We have to be ourselves and continue moving. We maybe don't have the power to control our life. But we have mind to choose the path we are going to trail.

So to the group of friends who spend their students life being together through thick and thin, through the hardships and achievements. We maybe part on our ways working on our future. But let's hope that one day soon, we could reunite. Hug each other and literally tell all where and what we had been. And I can say I'm looking forward on it.

So let's start working again as we find stable life with the career we are happy with, and the family who will complete us.

To all of our dear teachers who give us the greatest gift ever, we thank you so much for everything. Knowledge that will help us achieve our dreams. We all love you. And hope you to continue helping and inspiring lot of people. Happy Graduation everyone."

All became emotional after his speech. It's all actually true. And for once, those who didn't have a fuck just to befriend him accepted those words to the deepest point of their hearts. Looking forward for day that they will be able to see each other again. And tell all the stories. Where and whatever they been up to.

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