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Jimin's POV

Oh God please help me.

Honestly, I didn't expect them being those who I need to tutor. When they enter the class I already sense it.

This will be the reason why will students bully me again. I hope, this two is not planning anything against me. Coz I'll seriously flip this table to their face. And I don't care if they are the BTS.

"What subject do you want first.?" I coldly asked.

"Physics" v Hyung. Of course I knew their name.

I turn the page and let them point the topic they need to strive.

Then throughout the time me discussing and them really listening every words coming from me. They both are so silent. Just watching me as I solve every equations. If I ask questions they'll answer it right. So I guess they are both fine.

"So how was it are we really need to be tutored.?" V Hyung

"As how I observe you both you don't really need one. You just need to concentrate more on the topic. Let see this afternoon if you can perfect the test." I said in monotonous voice.

"Jimin can we talk?" Gguk.

"Then make it quick. The girls are waiting." I said as I crossed my arms.

"Ahh guys. I'll be leaving you both for privacy. Thanks Jimin. Gguk. Please make it right. We have to make it for Yoongi Hyung." V Hyung.

"What is it about?" I calmed myself at the same time my voice.

"Ahh about what happened in our past few interactions." Gguk

"Ahh I get it. If you want to continue bullying me. Then go on. Make it to your best." I stood up ready to leave but he stop me.

"I just want to ask for your forgiveness. I know what I did is wrong. I found those unforgiving. But please give me a chance. Let me make it to you." Gguk voice was shaky.

I sat again in the chair and just stare at him expressionless.

"Its not easy to forgive you. Its alright to hurt me. But don't involve anyone. Gguk. I'm not anyone who could revenge on what you did. Nor I can't hurt you like what you did to me. Just. Just stop. And leave me all alone." I cupped his cheeks using my small hands

"I can't Jimin. The time that I was thinking what I did to you. I realized all. All. And if I say all. Its included the way what I feel for you." Gguk

He is now shredding tears.

"W-what do you mean?" Me

"I think me bullying you give me some unusual feelings that I don't even know how to understand. But at some night after that ' thing's I begun to understand. Jimin. I- I love you." Gguk.

*Heart thumping*

What is this?

"I know you got Lisa. But please let me make you understand your feelings too. I maybe assuming but I think your not straight." Gguk slightly grinned.

I just glare at him. This is something he can't remove to his system anymore. Saying things not so pleasant for me. Things that will somehow hurt me. But what can I say I am already used to it. It became a music that I have to hear everyday.

"You know. I don't know what to say about this. I don't really know. Maybe just avoid me for a while? Or just avoid me forever. Just so you know. I will not forgive you until Hyung forgive you. I hid everything to him just to not destroy your friendship. So all you have to do now is make it to him. Ask for his forgiveness. Change for the better Gguk. Maybe there I can change my mind." I said.

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