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Jimin's POV

I'm busy in the room arranging the test booklets for the incoming exam. When V Hyung called me to go down.

So I did.

When I got there. All students are glaring at us.

"Jimin this so because of you. You slut!!!"

"Why don't just leave them alone.!!. Leave BTS alone. Leave Blackpink alone. You are just like a gum. Sticking to them.!!"

"Jimin don't listen to them. You know they had been that since start." V Hyung

"We tried to stop Gguk but" Jin Hyung.

"But no one can stop him. Tsk." I finished.

"Lisa- " Lisa Noona ran towards me and hug me.

"He is bullying me." Noona is crying.

I look at Gguk.

"Its not true. She told me to leave you alone. A thing that you know I can't do. I'm not bullying her. You know I already quit that." Gguk with pleading expression.

"Where are the others" I asked as couldn't find the girls anywhere in the crowd.

"Ahmnn. They are busy. Yoongi and Rose go on a date. Jisoo and Jennie are busy in their own family matters." Lisa.

"Just why do she leave you here?" I asked almost whispering.

"It is planned. You know it. But I don't know what I did to Gguk." She look back at Gguk "I didn't do anything to him.." Lisa Noona.

"But you stole Jimin to me.!!" Gguk.


Crowd begun to murmur again.

"What did you do to them?!! Do you lure them.??!" Girl1

"You slut. You better leave them alone. You bitch. Your a sore in our eyes. You don't deserve to be here. Go kill yourself.!!"



"What are you doing.? Leave them alone.!!"

"You are just some peace of waste."

"You're not a Min!! Adopted!"

I glance at the one who said that.

"No that's not true" I murmured. Covering my ears.

No. Please.

Gguk's POV

What is happening to him.

"Baby!!" Lisa Noona and said in the same time.

"Hey, you okey.?" Lisa Noona.

"Noona." His eyes glistened.

He then looked up to me. His eyes pleading.

"Leave us alone!!" I shouted at them. The Hyungs help to shoo them away.

"Open your eyes please." Lisa Noona.

I went to them again and carry Jimin in my lap.

"Jimin. Baby listen to me okey. Their gone. Please. Relax. Calm your breath. Open your eyes." He did as what I say."Good baby now look at me." He did.

"B-blood" he whispered

"There is no blood baby. Can you see me??" I said as I cupped his cheek

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