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Jimin's POV

While I am at his private place, I had thoughts on such things. Things that I don't even know why I'm thinking about those.

But yeah. I had a great time with him. But I have to go home early. Coz I got a call from Taemin Hyung. And he said that he'll fetch me in my place.

So now. I am with him. Driving me back to my place as promised.

Ahmnn we went to the set of his MV. And I came to sign a paper saying I agreed. My special rule in his MV was the Featured Model like what he said when we first met.

All my part there was done. And they'll send me the output.

I don't know. But thinking that this might change my social life I feel excitement and at the same time nervous.

What if just because of my ugly face his popularity will go down?

"Mind sharing me what is in your thoughts?" Taemin Have still concentrating on the busy street.

"I- I don't know why I am still thinking about this. You already told me that it was going to be fine."  I look at him.

"Trust me Jimin this will going to be fine. Your beautiful. Do you still remember their reaction when they saw what's under those glasses? You know you have that kind of beauty that even Miss World will jealous for. Jimin with make was sure a beautiful being. But a barefaced? Gosh. You were so gordeous. Some people this days undergo plastic surgery just to have a perfect body and face definition. But you? You have it Jimin. So now stop thinking your ugly when your were really not. Embrace it Jimin." His speech ended with an angelic smile.

He continued driving. Till we reach my place.

"I can still call you right?" He lean in his car.

"Yeah of course." I smiled at him.

"Just call me if you need a friend. You know just one call I'll be with you any second." Taemin Hyung

"Thanks hyung." I bowed

"Goodbye beautiful" he winked. And I was sure I blushed.

There is no one in the house but me. I guess they are still in school of in some places I don't know.

I took a quick shower and wear just a robe and stare at my own bareface.

Beauty. They told me I have one of a kind beauty. And that the thing I should find in my own.

Black raven hair. Pale white skin. Brows in the right shade. Small and expressionless eyes. Button nose big lips. Or what Taemin Hyung called it. Soft kissable plumb lips. A slightly chubby cheeks and a well define jawline.

I am not following any kind of diet but I did starving myself sometimes. And I haven't a great appetite most of the time.

Maybe I should start now?.

I feel so weird about this thing. Ughh do I have to change everything?. Maybe just a bit. But still be myself.

Wearing a plane white shirt and and a black Jagger pants with running shoes. I hurriedly went to Yoongi Hyung and Chae Noona's room to get the key of the gym.

Opening the most top box of the drawer I noticed a black folder.

I tried to ignore it and just pick the key. But its like   pulling me and killing me with my great curiosity.

I lift the folder and place it in the study table.

I pulled the chair and sat there.

What's this?

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