Chapter 26

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The door opened and as I looked up I felt my arms get weak. Within seconds, I felt as if I was drowning in my tears. Suddenly Penelope was in Teo's arms and the nurses were trying to calm me down, Penelope was screeching and sobbing.

I cried as he got closer, a smile formed on his lips, "I missed you too Tina." He spoke for me.

"I thought you were dead?" I cried placing a hand on his face and holding him closer to me.

"Well I'm one hundred two percent alive, I can't believe you had a baby," He said in awe.

I smiled widely and continued sobbing, and then I looked over at Teo who seemed extremely confused.

"Teo, this is my brother Aiden." His mouth dropped and he held Penelope closer to him.

"I'm Teo Halm, the boyfriend." Teo reached out and shook his hand, holding onto Penelope which hadn't stopped crying.

I gestured for Teo to put her back in my arms.

Aiden shook his hand and smiled widely, then let go and Penelope was put in my arms.

"So, how the hell are you alive?" I asked, while Penelope started to quiet down.

Aiden realized what my question was and took a seat at the edge of the bed; his smile widened to a level I thought was not even possible.

"Well, I never died," He inquired, "obviously." he motioned himself with his hands, "dad came up with this weird deal for me, and I couldn't tell anyone about it," He glanced at me apologetically, "You know I'd tell you if I could, but I was to keep myself "dead" for his business, which worked out for me, I traveled the world and met my wife." Teo smiled and raised his eyebrows.

"We have the same thing going on," He replied, slightly moving to a more comfortable position.

"I figured, I went back to find you but I couldn't, so I called Dad and he told me, then he scolded me for calling him." Aiden chucked.

"Yeah, it's tough." I nodded looking down at Penelope, "So Aiden, who and how is your wife?"

His eyes softened, "She's the most amazing person I have ever met Tina, she makes me want to build a new world for her."

I felt a tear form in my eyes, my brother had gotten married and I didn't even know whom he was married to.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't be there." I cried.

"It wasn't your fault." He reminded me.

I glanced over at Teo who looked at me reassuringly.

"Tank you for coming back." Teo spoke; he came near me and rested a hand on my shoulder.

We spent the next two hours talking to Aiden, he explained how he met Isabella, his wife, and how everything progressed in his life, then he said that once we went back to LA we could stop by and meet her.

We thanked him, which led to him having to go to the airport and back home.

"Thank you, I'm looking forward to seeing you again," I said softly, picking myself up to hug him and kiss his cheek.

"I am too." He smiled.

Oncehe was gone I fell asleep quickly with Teo by my side.    

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