Chapter 5

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I woke up next to a shirtless Teo. My head tucked into his chest and

His arm was around my back.

"We have school." I started climbing out but he wouldn't let me.

"No." He groaned.

"Yes, Teo we have to go." I laughed and finally got out of his embrace.

Ok, it's Thursday. I have to make coffee for Teo and then I'll head over to my dorm and change.

So that's what I did I made Teo his coffee and brought out his cookies while he showered and then left quietly.

The wind blasts in my face as I step out if Teo's dorm and start walking over to my own.

I open the door to find Emily crying with her hands in her hair her mascara all over her face.

I dropped everything and hurried over to her.


"Tina." She straight at cried even more, and then she passed me something she had in her hands.

I gasped and dropped it and hugged her.

"Surprise!" She cried harder and put her face in my neck. "I'm pregnant," She mumbled in my hair.


I stepped out of the shower and headed into my kitchen, but I couldn't find Tina anywhere.

"TINAAAA," I mumbled.

Then I looked over at a plate of cookies and some coffee. She left. So I called her.

She picked up on the third ring.

C: Teo, I'm um busy I've got to tell you something, but I'll see you in school ok I love you.

T: Tina is everything ok?

Emily shouted, "don't tell anyone!"

C: yeah just I'll see you later I've got to be with Emily right now I'm sorry.

T: you want me to come over? Can I help?

C: thanks, Teo you're amazing but no. Sorry, girl stuff.

I heard Emily cry in the background.

So I just said ok and hung up. I love my girlfriend but I'm not getting involved with the 'Girl Stuff" topic. Sorry.

Once I walked into school I felt naked. Christina was usually around me now and I liked it that way.

"Teo." I spun around to face Connor.

"Connor." I nodded at him.

"Look I know she told you and I know I was Part of the accident but I want you to know something."

I shook my head and started to walk away.

" I wasn't driving the car."

"Then who was?" I turned back around.

"Trevor. Just don't say that I told you." He looked straight at me; I can usually tell when someone is lying. But this was no lie.

"You have to tell Christina." I shrugged and raised my eyebrows a bit

"I will."

"Why do you even care?" I asked

"She used to be my best friend." He looked down at his toes.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I've got to get to class." I said awkwardly.

"Yeah right." He walked away slowly.

UnknownOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora