Chapter 46

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I slightly opened my eyes to find no one lying beside me, I sighed and yawned as I sat up.

I could feel a cold current of wind blowing throughout the hotel, I hesitated before I finally picked myself up and followed the current of the cold wind, to find an open balcony.

There she was, I smiled at her holding a coffee cup to the railing behind her back. She wore a silk robe, which confused me. I didn't remember her in it.

"Baby, where did you find that?" I questioned as I took my hand and put it on her back.

She turned around with a smile on her face, her hair was down and messy, she looked gorgeous.

"Oh, it was in the bathroom, I was about to shower," She brought the coffee closer to her as she sniffed it, "But, I found a coffee machine and I forgot to shower." She shrugged.

"It looks amazing on you," I commented as she took a small sip of her coffee.

"Thanks, fiancé," She replied.

I chuckled slightly, "It's good to be back here."

"It feels amazing to have you back." She spoke as she lifted her arm to show her hand, on which she wore her ring.

"You like it?" I questioned into her hair, which smelled like coconut.

"Mmhm, It's perfect." She mumbled.

"Let's go inside its cold." I suggested, she looked up at me and nodded slightly.

We walked inside, my arms still wrapped around her.

I looked down at her, her green eyes focused on her coffee, I then spun her making her make a strangely surprised noise that was incredibly adorable.

"Do you remember one of the times when we were first together that we said we'd go surfing together?" I reminded her, she nodded in response.

"I'm surprised you remember that," She handed me her coffee, which I took a sip of.

I knew what it would have inside: four tablespoons of milk, half a tablespoon of sugar, the same as always.

"Yum" I piped, she looked back at me disgusted.

"You gross liar, I know you like black coffee!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, but I missed having some of yours." I responded taking another sip, the sweetish taste filled my buds.

She smiled at this and then picked up the phone, she looked me right in the eyes and lifted an eyebrow.

"Room service?" She questioned in a French accent making me laugh hysterically and nod at the same time.

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