Chapter 6

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I went back to my form instead of Teo's I needed to see Emily. So I kind of ran back and got there in like three minutes. Emily was on her bed texting someone and crying.

"Em, I'm back."

"Why, I'm mean to you, I'm pregnant. There's a child in me. Why do you even care?" She turned around.


"Tina I'm sorry."

"Then how did this happen?"

"I don't know!"

I sat down next to her and hugged her while she cried for a good 10-15 minutes.

"Don't cry it's going to be ok."

"My parents are going to kill me, but it's not like they care anyways."

I let her go," of course, they care, they love you."

"No they don't that's why I'm me that's why I let you go. That's why this happened."

"What do you mean?"

"At the party, my mom texted me." She wiped her eyes roughly," she said they were getting divorced because my dad cheated on her for more than three years now."

I'm upset. Not because of her parents but because she never told me. She kept it a secret and went away from me. I could have helped her.

"You should have told me."

"I know."

"Then why didn't you?"

Emily looked up at me. I knew she was hurt but I also knew that I shouldn't ask anything else.

"Sorry Em."

"It's ok."

We watched a couple movies until Teo texted me to come over.

T: come over babe I miss you!!!

C: me too but I need to be with Emily for a while if that's ok?

T: no I get it it's fine just come asap ok?

C: I'll try I miss you too.

I spent the night with Emily she cried and laughed but cried mainly. Then she said that she would stop crying if I sang for her so I did.

I just didn't realize that she had posted some of it on her Instagram with more than 1.2 million followers who asked me to make covers while others asked why a whale (me) was singing. Which explains why I wasn't doing them.

"Tina, turn the light off." Emily threw her pillow at me

"No, because you posted the cover and I told you now too."

"You didn't even know I was filming!"


She sighed and turned off the lights I turned around and slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up exactly at 6:42 am. Emily was out, apparently and Teo was in my dorm picking out my clothes?



"What?" I put down my phone and walked over to him.

"It's baby in Spanish."

I laughed and pushed him "oh."

"I already picked your outfit out."

"I know."

He had picked his own red sweater, which he gave black skinny jeans, as well as some white converse, and me.

"You like it?"

"Yeah, it's great." I knew I was smiling like an idiot. "Thanks, boyfriend."

He smirked and put his hands on my waist, his head rested on my own.

"You're welcome, girlfriend."

"We should get a dog."

He turned me around, "what kind?"

"Like a mini husky."

"Yeah we should."

"You know when we move out."

His smile widened, "together?"

"Depends if you kill me before we move out."

His laughter filled the room and I slipped out of his grip to wash my teeth. He waited outside on his phone. Suddenly I heard a song playing. It was our song. I rinsed my mouth and walked over to him

Settle down with me

Cover me up

Cuddle me in

Lie down with me

And hold me

In your arms

He hugged me, and after a while I ducked and ran into the bathroom. I had to change.

"THAT WASNT FAIR," He yells from outside of the door.

"Oh, that's nothing," I responded smirking as I changed into the clothes he had picked out for me


Classes went by quickly without Christina in them, I hadn't seen Connor or Emily, but Tina said she was going to talk to both of them.

We basically didn't do anything because it was Friday and there was only this week and next week left till we graduated. I mean there's nothing to do. Finals were over and stuff.

I sat with Connor in lunch because Tina was with Emily in a restaurant.

Then I went back home and slept until like 10 pm, I couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to go to the cafeteria, I text Tina at around eleven.

T: you coming home tonight.

She responded in about three minutes.

C: I'll try my best Emily's still up and she's trying to sleep so I'm heading over to the cafe.

T: I'm at the cafe.

C: then I'll see you there be there in like 10.

T: okay love you.

C: And I you

I went back on my computer and started looking for apartments in L.A, after about 8 minutes I looked up to see my worst nightmare.

Christina was here.

But she was kissing a guy.

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