Chapter 8

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I watched her leave and Emily follow. I had texted Emily that Tina was going to take her somewhere.

After that, I knew she was safe so I went to sleep. at around 1:40 I got a call from someone. that woke me up, I was about to check who it was from but a shadow moved from the doors frame.

"Go back to sleep.," said a voice. I stood up and tried to move but I couldn't.

"He's awake?" another voice asked.

I decided to answer that for them, "No duh."

Then I felt the heat on my right cheek and a kick in my stomach. I reached for my phone and while they hurt me I dialed 911 and scream.

The phone rang until I felt something hard hit my neck and blood draining from my nose. so I let the phone go.

Oh, how I love Christina.

And then everything went black.


We ran into room 154. There he was, I broke down in front of him and cried. Connor held me in his arms and Emily volunteered to go get coffee.

The doctors said that the chance of him being alive was sixty percent, but there was nothing we could do about it.

There had been intruders in his dorm and they had stabbed him and put a plastic bag over his head. I should have stayed with him.

Why do I always screw everything up?

His life would be safer without me.

Yes, it would, but I can't leave him. It would hurt both of us.

We have to tell the cops about everything, even about Trevor.

"Teo?" I said softly.

No response.

I told Connor and Emily to go. I was safer here anyways. They told me to take care of myself. I went to sleep holding Teo's hand.

At around eleven I felt his hand move and my head shot right up. He looked up at me and smiled.

"TEO!!" I squealed quietly and kissed his lips. I felt him flinch so I pulled away. "Sorry... Are you ok? I'm sorry."

He looked at me and pointed at the water. I gave him a sip.

"I'm ok, I missed you." I smiled at his words.

"I'm so sorry Teo."

I heard noises behind me.

"He's awake?" asked a fairly old nurse.

"Yeah, he is."

"Okay great. Can we ask you to leave for a while? Just so we could ask questions and stuff?"

"She's my girlfriend, can she please stay?" He said weakly.

"No she can't I'm sorry."

I just held his hand and squeezed he squeezed back.

"Tell them everything."

He nodded.

"I love you." I kissed him softly.

"And I you." he responded.

"Oh. Young love, always the best love." The nurse said as I walked past her. I turned to look back at Teo, he was doing the same, but then the door closed separating us from each other.

I took out my phone and texted Connor.

Tina: Teo's awake.

Connor: that's great!

Tina: is Emily with you?

Connor: yeah she is, I'll tell her. We'll be right over there ok?

Tina: oh ok.

I slumped into a chair outside of the rooms, you know like in the waiting room. I even made myself a coffee and started reading a book.

"We're here." Emily ran towards me and hugged me tightly I hugged her back.

"Emily's a heavy sleeper." Connor came from behind Emily. Not running, though.

"I know." I let Emily go and sat back down.

The nurse came out from around the corner "were going to take him to surgery."

"Can I see him?" I asked confused.

"No, I'm sorry love." She started backing away

I slumped back onto the chair.

"This is stressful." I put my hands over my eyes and rubbed them.

"I know Tina but he's ok." Emily sat down next to me

"Let's hope everything's ok." Connor pulled Emily up and sat down then patted his leg so Emily could sit there. She did.

We waited for a long time until a doctor came looking for someone, we stood up and went over to him.

"Did you come here with a young boy?"

"Like our age yes."

"Oh." He looked down at his notes and just put them behind his back, and started shaking his head.

I felt my world crashing up on me.

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