Chapter 42

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I closed my eyes and thought as I held my head in my hands. Everything that just happened was false. Why had I done that to myself?

"Tina!" A simple voice called out, causing me to release my hair and open my eyes.

I looked up at the place where the train would come in.

There he was, was this a dream, or was it real?

"Teo." I whispered softly, as he started running over to me, he wore a ginormous smile.

He finally stopped right in front of me, "Is this another dream?" I asked him calmly.

"I really hope it isn't," He replied as tears started to form in his eyes.

"Pinch me," I suggested, making him laugh.

"I'll do something better than that," He said as he crashed his lips onto mine.

That's when I realized that this wasn't a dream, my heart rate quickened at the feeling of his lips on mine, goose bumps seemed to raise al over my body and sparks flew from my stomach to the tip of my toes. As I realized this I felt my lips tug into an automatic smile.

Finally, as our lips detached slowly I looked into his eyes.

"It's really you." My voice was subtle.

He nodded happily as he then said, "And it's really you."

"Yeah." I said chuckling. His smile grew larger as he decided to kiss me again, this time he picked me up and started spinning us in circles.

I laughed and detached out kiss as my head went back.

Everything felt so right.

"Get a room!" I heard as Teo let me down and held my hands, we looked back to see Emily holding Penelope and Connor with his arms around Emily.

"Penelope!" Teo exclaimed as he started running towards her not letting go of my hand making me stumble to keep my balance.

He finally let me go as he picked up Pen from Emily's hands.

"Hey buhybeeee." He said in a high pitched tone causing us all to explode in laughter and making Pen smile, then he gave her about a thousand repetitive kisses on her small forehead making her giggle.

"Okay, no 'Emily!!' or 'Connor!!'" Emily spoke as she shook her head whilst laughing.

Teo finally took his eyes off Pen and looked straight at Connor and Emily with a smile, "Connor! Emily!" Then blew them both kisses and then went back to kissing Penelope.

"Gee thanks." Connor teased making Teo laugh quietly as he looked back at me.

"I have to tell you so much." He implied, talking directly to me.

"Yeah, you do." I said crossing my arms, but still the smile not leaving my face.

"Guys, I want to go home," He whined looking at all three of us.

"Lets go." Connor burst out, then we all started getting in the car.

Connor and Emily were in the front, Teo Penelope and me we're in the back.

Penelope was in her little booster seat, and I was in Teo's arms, feeling the safest I'd felt in a very long time.

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