Chapter 23

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"That supermarket looks better," I pointed at the one called "Grab & Go" While we stopped at the red light.

"That store looks cheaper." He replied nodding at one that had some lights off, so its name wasn't really readable in the dark.

"I'm having a baby Teo, I need healthy food and stuff." He shrugged.

"Ok, then we're going to both."


He turned the car into the parking lot and got a spot close to the stores.

"Get the cart." I demanded.

"No, you get the cart."

"No, I'm a girl." I looked at him as he smiled beautifully at me, "And I'm pregnant."

"Pregnant people get everything." He whined and headed towards the carts.

Once we were back he demanded a kiss, as a reward for getting a cart.

We went into the store I asked for first; it wasn't small, but sort of medium.

We went past the cleaning aisle and Teo went into the fruit place while I looked at the pet stuff.

"Teo," I called out.

He came back seconds later with a bag filled with fruits and vegetables.

"Yeah?" He kissed the top if my head and put the things in the cart.

"I want a pet."

"Like?" We kept moving down the aisles.

"A cat or a dog."

"I say cat," Teo stated.


"Both." He reasoned.

I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I pulled it out and smiled at the caller.

"Emily! Oh my, God, we haven't talked in like two weeks."

"I know we've missed you guys!" She matched my enthusiasm.

"How's the baby." I pushed my hair behind my ear and looked at Teo who seemed distracted by his phone.

"Great, everything amazing, I just need to tell you something." Whatever she had to tell me was obviously not bad.

"What is it?"

"Connor proposed to me yesterday and I said yes, I want you to be a bridesmaid, so were waiting until you come back with Teo."

"Wow!" I looked over at Teo, "That's great, I'd be honored, but I think I have to call you back later." Teo ran his fingered through his hair and then put the phone to his ear.

"Ok, I hope everything's ok, love you."

"Love you too bye." I hung up the phone and watched as Teo walked off and almost scream into the phone.

I waited for him calmly, after a while he sighed and seemed to give up hanging up his phone and looking back at me, he wasn't smiling.

"Tina, my love, we're moving." He stated.

"Moving?" I asked not bothering to hide the shock that I felt.

He nodded, "In about two days, we have to be at the airport at 5:20 am on this Thursday morning."

"But, we just got here," I whined.

"I'll bring you back someday, we can go sight seeing tomorrow, and then we could just hang out in our hotel the next day and leave on Thursday." He suggested.

"We have to hide from people." I reminded him.

"I know we do, that's why we'll be in a taxi, and then we won't go out at all." I looked up at him, admiring what I had, I was glad to have a guy like Teo he helped me through stuff.

"Taxis are very expensive." I pointed out.

"Who says I can't pay a god damned taxi." He teased, I started laughing and he soon joined me. 

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