Chapter 1

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My endless life is based on a routine that you basically live by. Its simple wake up, eat, study, go to school, come home, eat, homework, read, study, eat, read, sleep. Yes, I'm a hardcore nerd, and yes I'm lame. I know my life is really boring but it's not complicated. I don't have to worry about getting people presents or being there for anyone when they cry.

And yes I understand that that's a bit harsh, but it's the truth. And no I don't like the people at my school they're not my kind of people. I like people in books they're just better. I don't really pay attention to people at my school, I just arrive do what I have to do then leave. That's what we're supposed to do anyways.

Let me start over, hello my name is Christina Morgan and I'm a senior at Saint George high school in L.A. I know how can you be a nerd in a city like that. I like to do other stuff too I just enjoy being alone. So I surf I play guitar I run and I sing. I just keep it to myself. I don't have anyone to share it with.

Saint George is a boarding school, therefore we all stay in dorms, and I'm an Honor student so I got my own dorm. I liked it that way, but it all had to change today. I'm getting a roommate, she's an exchange student from the UK and they didn't have room for her anywhere.

Someone interrupts my thoughts by opening my door. I instantly put my book down at jump out of my chair.

A girl with blonde hair and very pretty eyes started at me with her eyes wide open and her mouth in a shy smile.

"Hey, I'm Emily I didn't mean to scare you I'm sorry I just wanted to introduce myself before I moved in."

"Hi, I'm Christina." I try to say in a confident voice, but it comes out in a shy voice. She seems like a nice girl.

"Can I call you Tina?"

My family calls me Tina, it felt a bit strange to have someone else call me Tina.

"Yeah sure." I try my best to smile at her.

"Well, I'm going to go get my stuff if you don't mind."

"No of course not, here let me help." I stand up and follow her to her car.

Her truck is loaded with crap decorations that I'm going to have to let her put in our dorm.

"That's a lot of stuff." I forced a small laugh and started picking some things up.

"Yeah I know I'm sorry," She said while she returned the laughed nervously.

After all, her stuff was in the dorms we were tired as hell, so I went to take a shower. My showers didn't take much, they were just showers anyways, so once I was out of the shower there was not much to do.

So for about an hour I started at a blonde blue eyed natural beauty go around my-err our dorm putting things here and there and making the place look cleaner and better than it had ever looked.

Too bad it was the last year we were here.

The only bad thing of having this blonde haired beauty in my dorm was that she blabbed about everything. At least, she knew how to cook.

For the first time in what seems like forever, instead of nodding or shaking my head I asked, "Why did you join this school so late in the year? And on the last year?'

She wrinkled her nose as she held up a blue sweater and a pink one.

"Well you guys have an amazing swim team, and I was super close to getting a scholarship and they asked me to join this school and then I'd get the full scholarship." she put the blue sweater down on her bed and kept the pink one on her right arm.

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