Both: Need All The Help I Can Get

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After what felt like forever but was really only twenty minutes or so, the rooms were finally sorted out for basketball camp.

Nobody really knew what rooms they were in just yet, which was exactly why Mrs Anderson, aka the leader of the whole thing... wanted to have a group discussion in the hall.

There were about 250 or so people in there right now, with those who had come to camp but didn't register for one reason or the other getting kicked out.

So Khakumulani more or less.

Gianna had just honestly prayed that she would have been with Rukayat.

Or if not, then somebody nice.

So not Isabelle.

She was definitely out of the question.

"Right, everybody. Sorry for the wait and stalling you guys by taking you to the museum but—"

"Jhacari's missing."

Jhacari had texted Gianna some time ago, but she still hadn't seen it yet. This would have all changed soon though.

The news about Jhacari missing was announced by Mrs Anderson's daughter Daisy.

She had convinced her to let Gianna speak to him earlier, and now that Gianna had thought about it, she had hoped that she had hopefully shared a room with Daisy too. 

Everyone around the room had started talking to each other about the news that may or may not have been true, with Mrs Anderson in the meantime being annoyed at Daisy.

"Who asked you to go in there?"

"I genuinely wasn't planning to!" Daisy replied candidly, almost surrendering. "I was going to go to the upstairs toilet as I didn't like the ones at the museum, plus someone was using the downstairs toilet— and I realised Jhacari wasn't in his room. He kind of left his door open by mistake."

He thought he had locked it, but he didn't.

In other words.

Everyone was panicking about him, although at the same time, they were quite annoyed at themselves because if they hadn't been bombarding him with questions so much earlier?

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