Jhacari: Yeah, You're My Superstar

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✯ Argentina ✯

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"Let me get this straight," Jhacari had told both of his parents, sitting down right opposite them. "I know my grades aren't exactly the best right now, but I will improve. Trust me."

"You said that last time though, Jhacari, and they've just been going down," Kuristarez had argued against him. "We're worried it's your Instagram profile and popularity. We just don't want you getting distracted by it."

Jhacari was sitting down in the living room with both of his parents, trying to get his phone back after Tayahna had failed doing that.

He was going to try and sweet talk them to get his phone back instead of just trying to steal it straight up as he would have gotten into serious trouble for that.

Even more trouble than Tayahna, considering how he was grounded and Tayahna wasn't.

Jhacari wasn't even supposed to be downstairs right now but he didn't care.

He was running away, but his parents didn't know that and he really needed his phone right now!

"I won't get distracted by it, mum. I promise," Jhacari promised her. "Being grounded is good sometimes because I've been a lot more focused on my studies, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I have to be grounded forever."

"You've been studying perfectly fine without your phone though," Lorenzo realised. "So what makes you think that you'll study better with your phone?"

Jhacari had seriously not taken that into consideration.

He did not think that through much.

His social life was at stake here.

And he had gotten his social life from his phone.

He had told his parents this, before asking them if they really wanted to be responsible for a depressed kid.

"Don't guilt trip us, Jhacari."

"No, he might have a point, babe," Kuristarez disagreed. "And fine. You can take your phone. But just for a day."

Trust him.

One day was all he needed...

Jhacari had cheered really loudly at that, before hugging both of them and telling them that they were amazing superstars.

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