Jhacari: 1st Class Plane? More Like 1st Class Pain

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✯ Argentina ✯

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Jhacari was going to LA.

Jhacari was going to LA.

He couldn't believe it at all.

This was way too surreal to be true.

And to think, Francis had just asked him if he had taken the wrong plane. Of course he had taken the wrong plane.

He wasn't even supposed to be here in the first place at all.

Jhacari was internally freaking out now, he had just missed his plane to Mexico and he didn't know what to do.

"When's the next plane to Mexico?" He had asked wisely, both of his hands on his head at the same time as he was internally panicking.

Calm down, Jhacari.

Everything will be OK.

Just breathe in and out.

Then again.

That was exactly what he had done right now, although when Francis had told him that the next plane wasn't until for like another three days, that was when Jhacari really got annoyed.

"Three days?" He repeated. "Three entire days?!"

"I'm sorry," he apologised. "Shockingly, not that many people here go to Mexico. You're like the first person to go there in like three weeks, and first famous person to go there from here overall."

Jhacari froze.

"You OK?"

"Of course I'm not OK, man. I'm on the wrong plane and I don't know how to get out!"

Breathe, Jhacari.

Just breathe.

He had kept on telling himself this because funnily enough, it was working.

And thank God that no one here knew that Jhacari was Jhacari as if someone found out that he was in the wrong plane, and they had posted it online as well?

Then he was done for.

Now of course, social media was just a highlight reel, and Jhacari here knew that, but there was a huge difference between lying... and having something posted online that could have completely ruined his reputation for good.

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