Both: Success Doesn't Equal Happiness

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Been a quite while since Jhacari's been in a chapter, so yeah. He's in this one.

✯ LA ✯

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Riele didn't pick up.

So Gianna had left Rukayat for nothing basically.

This wasn't good.

She had recently heard that Jhacari had deleted his Instagram, but she didn't know why. She had a feeling that Riele did though.

And she wanted to talk to her about it.

Riele's not picking up.

And Jhacari's acting suspicious... why would he just delete everything like that though?

Gianna had encountered Riele's voicemail a few times but then Riele had actually picked up.

Hey, this is Riele.

I'm honestly so sorry that I can't pick up your call right now, but you can leave a message after the beep and I'll get in touch with you ASAP, bye!

She was about to leave her a voicemail but then Riele had actually answered the call.

Riele: Hey girl, what's up?

Gianna: Why did Jhacari delete his Instagram?

Because he was seriously unhappy with his life and Instagram wasn't really making anything any better to be honest.

Riele freaked when she had heard that, she knew why he had deleted it as he told her, but at the same time— he had told her not to tell anyone.

She had remembered the conversation she had had with him about this loud and clear, although it was pretty short.

Jhacari was chilling in his room, thinking about whether or not he had made the right decision deleting his Instagram or not.

He had so many followers on there that were all gone right now.

But at the same time, he was extremely sick and tired of living a lie on there.

Pretending his life was perfect when it wasn't.

He couldn't really have posted about his problems to anyone, as he had feared losing credibility from other people.

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