Jhacari: Can't Do This No More, Man. I'm Done

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✯ Argentina ✯

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"What the hell were you thinking, Jhacari? Getting yourself involved with them bullies? What's wrong with you?"

"It wasn't me, mum. It was them. I swear I didn't start it."

Jhacari was now in his dining room with his mother Kuristarez and his father Lorenzo, with both of them discipling him for what he had done.

This wasn't the first time that Rastashiel, Tremaine and Alastair had bullied him though, and it definitely wasn't going to be the last either.

Jhacari had inevitably been yelled at many times in his life before, but this definitely had to be one of the worst.

That wasn't the only thing that Kuristarez was mad at Jhacari for though.

She was sorting through the letters that Jhacari had hidden from her, aka the ones about him failing his tests, as well as getting detention for that too.

He had been keeping this a secret from her for a very long time now, and Jhacari knew he was done for so he didn't try to say anything that would have changed their minds about his punishment.

"How can our son... our only son, get detention 23 times in one year?" Lorenzo ranted, with Jhacari feeling really guilty about that.

Despite this though, Jhacari had tried to argue in his defence, but his parents didn't want to hear it.

His parents were seriously disappointed with him for pretty much flunking school, and it honestly hadn't taken a genius to realise that.

It was even worse when Kuristarez had started saying out loud Jhacari's test scores from his previous school report... and they were not good... at all.

At some point during Kuristarez reading out Jhacari's terrible grades at school, Jhacari had caught his twin sister Tayahna secretly laughing at him.

Until he had given her a very dirty look.

Which had silenced her immediately, as she had walked off, Jhacari's eyes annoyingly on her the whole time.

"Just how could you get 15% in your Physics test, Jhacari?" Kuristarez wanted to know. "Fifteen percent! Not even fifty. Fifteen! What happened, Jhacari? You were so much better than this."

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