Jhacari: Okay, So He's Jhacari. Get Over It. Jeez

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✯ Argentina ✯

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When the audience had gotten a little bit too much for Jhacari's liking, Jhacari had gotten even more tensed up than before, but he hadn't said anything yet.

This was because he had been trying to think of what to say the whole time, but he didn't want to sound rude.

Screw it, Jhacari had thought to himself, before saying it out loud for everyone to hear. Imma be rude to them, whether they like it or not.

"Enough!" Jhacari had protested, which had literally shut everybody up, as they had all stopped to stare at him, with Jhacari doing the same time but through his sunglasses.

"Can't a guy just have some nice normal life without any of y'all getting up in his business? Jeez. I'm late for my taxi."

Disadvantages of being famous?

No privacy.

Fans everywhere.

Publicity was inevitable.

And Jhacari oftentimes felt kind of restricted and claustrophobic due to some of his fans always surrounding him, like right now for example.

He had rudely pushed people past him, but at the same time, he couldn't really have been blamed for this at all because he was in a bad mood and he needed to get to Mexico already before it was too late for him to do so.

Luckily, his taxi was already there, and even better?

The taxi driver knew that he was Jhacari.

But she didn't seem to be making any kind of fuss over this at all.

Her name was Christiana, and she was also the person in which Jhacari had been talking to earlier before he had gotten in his taxi.

But he had lied about his name entirely, using the pseudonym of Rodriguez Gonzalez instead because he really didn't want people to know that he was Jhacari.

For some very obvious reasons.

Christiana was light skinned and she was dressed very smartly, in sunglasses and everything.

OK, so the sunglasses weren't very smart, as in in terms of someone being smartly dressed, but in her defence, it was really sunny outside and she didn't like the way her face looked either.

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