Jhacari: Didn't Go Very Far With The Superstar (Part 1)

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✯ LA ✯

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Whilst Gianna was on her way to basketball camp with Kobe and her sister Natalia, who wasn't actually following her but wanted to voluntarily help her with her things...

Riele in the meantime was having Jhacari come over to her house as he had chosen her house to go to. He had said earlier on on his Instagram profile for people in LA to text him his address because he really needed somewhere to stay.

This was all because he had known no one in LA as well as where things were too because he had never actually been there before or anything. He had stayed in Argentina all of his life really.

He had also said that he didn't care where people had lived, as long as it was in LA, but he probably didn't mean that.

So if someone had lived in a trashy area and they had texted Jhacari their address, then he would have stayed there?

Most likely not.

He most likely used Google Maps to see where these people had actually lived, and he did.

But just because someone's house had looked bad on the outside didn't necessarily mean that it was bad on the inside and vice versa, although Jhacari didn't really take that into consideration.

Riele's mother was helping her get ready for Jhacari coming over, whilst her other family members had gone to summer school.

Summer school was for those that were failing their classes, which was where everybody in Riele's family were at right now as they weren't the most serious with their studies.

And realistically speaking, Riele was supposed to help her mother clean the house (her father had gone to work) but she had kept on fretting over Jhacari.

Aight, thanks
Imma take a taxi to your house right now
Oh and don't tell anyone about this
I don't want people hating on me
If you do before I do, and I find out, you will get blocked for life

That was what Jhacari had said to Riele through Instagram private messaging when Riele had texted him his address and everything.

And so much for not telling anyone about this, Riele. She had told Gianna but Gianna only. Gianna was very good at keeping secrets, plus there was no one else to tell about this really as Riele was her closest friend.

Who had also liked Jhacari.

Most of Gianna's other friends didn't really care about Jhacari as they hadn't really found him at all that special but eh.

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