"I love you, Future Mrs. Potter." James Potter x Fem!Reader

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"WHY DO YOU KEEP LYING TO ME ?" Y/n asked James. Y/n and James got into an argument, when Y/n found out that James had been seen kissing with Lily by Marlene, or at least that's what she said she saw. They had been together since their fourth year, and they were now in their last year at Hogwarts. "You told me that you were over her, when we started dating." Y/n added. "I am over her. I don't know what you saw or heard, but that is not what happened. I lo-"James replied. "No, please... Don't say that. You love her, not me." Y/n said as she walked away from the common room, leaving James confused. Y/n was sitting in the library, reading a book, so she wouldn't cry over what just happened with James. Marlene came to look for Y/n, after Sirius and Remus talked to James. "Here you are, I have been looking for you." Marlene said as she sat down opposite Y/n.

"Can you please tell me what you saw? Because James told me that it didn't happen." Y/n said when she eventually looked up and looked Marlene in the eye. "I saw James and Lily together." Marlene began when they were interrupted by Lily. "I know I am the last person you want to see, but Remus told me you got into a fight with James and I came to tell you what actually happened." Lily said as she glared towards Marlene's way. "Marlene did see me and James together. And we might have sat close to each other, so it looked like we were sharing a kiss or something like that, but that is not the case. We were sitting together, because James told me he wanted to give you a special something." Lily said and Y/n looked confused. "He needed some advice on what to say and I helped him. I would never take my best friend's man." Lily smiled. "That is what actually happened?" Y/n asked and Lily nodded. Y/n got up and walked away, towards the common room, where she found James sitting on the couch.

"I shouldn't have gotten mad at you." Y/n said as she sat down next to James. "I should have listened to you first, before I threw accusations towards you. Can you forgive me?" Y/n added as she looked his way. "Of course i forgive you, i can't be mad at you. Look how cute you are when you are feeling sorry." James said as he wrapped his arms around Y/n and pulled her onto his lap. "Lils told me that you wanted to give me something." Y/n said after they pulled away from a quick makeout session. "Yes, I want to ask you something. Y/n, since it is our last year at Hogwarts, and we will become adults after this, I want to spend the rest of my life with you." James said as he stood up and pulled out a small box from out of his robes. "I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, from the moment I laid eyes on you in our first year. Y/n, do you want to marry me?" James said as he got down on one knee and showed Y/n a beautiful rose gold ring, with a big diamond in the middle and smaller diamonds around the bigger one.

"Of course, James. Yes, I want to marry you." Y/n replied as James placed the ring on her finger and placed her hand on his cheek, pulling him in for another kiss. "I love you, future Mrs. Potter." James whispered as he pulled away from the kiss. "Get a room guys." Sirius said as he walked in, followed by Remus, Peter, Marlene and Lily. "Congratulations, guys." Lily smiled as she sat down next to Y/n and wrapped her arms around her. "Sorry, Lily. I've got a fiance now, so it won't happen between us." James teased only to receive a smack on his arm by Y/n. "Just kidding, my love." James added. 2 years later, Lily and Marlene were helping a highly pregnant Y/n in her wedding dress. "This is a beautiful dress, Y/n/n." Lily said as she looked at her friend in the mirror. "Thank you, Lils." Y/n said as she turned around and looked at her friends. "The baby is also very excited." Y/n added as she felt the baby kick.

Remus walked into the room and smiled towards Y/n when he saw her in her wedding dress. "Are you ready to get married?" Remus asked as he presented his arm for Y/n to take. "Yes, but please, don't let me fall." Y/n laughed as they started to walk down the aisle. "I would never let you fall." Remus replied, nearly tripping over some carpet.

"Never mind, i take that back." Remus laughed. Y/n looked at James and could feel some tears forming in her eyes. Y/n could see James wiping away some tears and smiled at Y/n. "Hello gorgeous." James smiled. "Hello handsome." Y/n smiled back. After 30 minutes, Y/n was officially Y/n Potter. James and Y/n celebrated their wedding with their friends and close family, when Y/n felt her water break. "James, the baby is coming." Y/n said towards her husband. "What?" James said as he started to panic. Molly helped Y/n deliver the baby. "What a beautiful baby boy." Marlene said after Molly washed him and gave him to Y/n. "What's his name?" She asked as she got closer to Y/n. "Harry." Y/n smiled. "Where is my husband?" Y/n asked. "I am here, darling." James said as he walked in followed by Sirius. "He looks so tiny." Sirius said as he looked at the baby. "Say hello to Harry James Potter." Y/n smiled as she looked at the baby and towards her husband.

When Y/n had recovered from the delivery and when Harry turned 1, her little family went on their honeymoon, to Jamaica. Harry grew up and became a beautiful young boy. It was Harry's first year at Hogwarts.Y/n and James went with him. "We did great. Raising our boy by ourselves without any help. He turned out just like me." James said. "Oh please. We did have help from Molly and Arthur. And I hope he hasn't gotten your pranks, but he has my wits." Y/n said as they looked at the boy in front of them. "Now, Harry. Be a good boy, and don't do anything your father would do." Y/n smiled as she looked towards her husband, who held the hand of 8 year old Sophie, Harry's little sister. "Mummy, i want to go with Harry." Sophie cried as Harry was about to step on the train, he turned around and hugged the little girl. "I will see you around Christmas okay, Soph?" Harry said as he placed a kiss on top of her head and smiled at his parents. "Good luck Harry." James said as the train started to leave. "I miss him." Y/n said as she wrapped an arm around James' waist. "He just left. He will do just fine." James replied as He, Y/n and Sophie went back home. 

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