"You'll be the death of me" - Greg Lestrade x Fem!Reader

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Warning: Contains unprotected Sex. !!DON'T READ IF YOU ARE A MINOR!!

“Y/n, my dearest sister. I need you to go with Mycroft to his party for his work.” Sherlock, Y/n’s older brother said. “Why can’t you go with him?” “Because I don’t want to go. And Mycroft doesn’t want me to go with him as well. He specifically told me to ask you, because I was irritating him.” Sherlock replied. “When are you not irritating him?” Y/n asked. An hour went by and Y/n was laying on the couch in 221B, when Mycroft walked in. “Has Sherlock asked you?” “Asked me what? Sherlock asked me a lot of things today, Mycroft.” Y/n answered. “Did he ask you about that dinner party my work is holding?” Mycroft asked. “He did.” Y/n answered. “Well, what is your answer?” Mycroft asked. “Sure. I’ll go with you if you pay for my dress and shoes.” Y/n replied. “Take my card and get yourself a dress and shoes. Don’t go overboard and make me broke. I will come and pick you up at 5.” Mycroft said as he took out his wallet and gave the youngest Holmes his credit card.

“Thanks, Mykie.” Y/n said as she got up from the couch and walked out of the room. “Don’t call me that, Y/n.” Mycroft called out as she made her way down the steps. “Where are you off to, Y/n?” Mrs Hudson asked. “I’m going to buy a dress and shoes for tonight. Mycroft asked me to join him for a party at his work.” Y/n answered. “Where are you going?” John asked as he and Mary walked in. “I have to go with Mycroft to his work party and I’m going to get myself a dress and shoes. Mary, would you like to come along?” Y/n asked. “Alright, see you later, love.” Mary said to John as she followed the Youngest Holmes out of the flat and into the cab. “Where would you like to go for a dress?” “I have no clue.” Y/n said. “Well, there is this really cute boutique near Downing Street that sell evening gowns. We could go from there.” Mary replied. “Sure, let’s try there then.” Y/n said as Mary told the driver the address. “What colour do you want to go for?” Mary asked.

“I don’t know. Mum always told me I look great in royal blue.” Y/n replied as they were now walking into the store. “Why not go for royal blue then? This one right here would look gorgeous on you.” Mary said as she pointed out the dress. “How can I help you, Mrs Holmes?” The woman of the store asked. “Could I possibly try that blue dress on?” Y/n answered. “Of course you can.” The woman said as she gave the younger woman the dress and led her to the dressing room. Y/n took off her outfit and pulled on the dress, before stepping out and looking at Mary. “What do you think?” “It’s beautiful.” Mary said as she looked at the woman. “You think?” Y/n asked. “Yes, you’re going to blow everyone away when you walk in the room.” Mary said, before Y/n heard her notifications go off. She walked into the dressing room and saw that Mycroft has texted her.

Don’t look too dramatic with your outfit. There are top class men and women at this party. -MH
Are you calling me dramatic?
No, just don’t go over the top. -MH

“Look what Mycroft just texted.” Y/n said as she showed Mary the texts. “Now you have to get that dress.” “How much is this one?” Y/n asked the woman. “£250.” “I’ll take it.” Y/n said with a smile and walked back into the dressing room, before changing back into her black jeans and black shirt. She pulled on her heels and walked out of the dressing room. “Let me put this in the bag.” “Y/n, Sherlock asked if we could go to Scotland Yard and talk to Greg about a case.” Mary said as she hung up her phone. “Is it possible if you could drop this off at 221 B Bakerstreet? I’ll pay you twice as much as this dress is.” Y/n said. “Of course I can, Mrs Holmes.” Y/n paid for the dress, before they walked out of the store. “Mycroft is not going to like the fact you just paid £500 for a dress and delivery service.” Mary said as they walked towards Scotland Yard. “So? He shouldn’t have told me not to go over the top. And I’m not dramatic.” Y/n replied.

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