"You are all that matters to me." Pete Townshend x Fem!Reader

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Trigger Warning: Suicide. 


Dear, Y/n,

Stop wasting Pete's time. You are a disgrace, you are ugly and it would be better if you killed yourself. I honestly don't know what Pete sees in you. Please break up with him, or kill yourself.


Morgan Fox.

Y/n placed the letter down on the coffee table and took a deep sigh. Pete was currently rehearsing with the band and Y/n could feel herself getting sad. Normally, she would ignore the letters that were threatening her, but this was the 4th letter she had gotten from this person and she couldn't keep it together any longer. Y/n placed her hands in front of her eyes and started to cry. Y/n didn't hear the door open or someone walking in the apartment, so when she heard Pete talking in the hallway of the apartment, she quickly wiped away her tears.

"Hello, babe. How are you?" Pete asked as he and Roger walked over to Y/n. "Have you been crying?" Pete asked as he looked at her face. "No." Y/n lied. "What happened?" Pete asked, sounding concerned. Y/n grabbed the letter from the coffee table and gave it to Pete, who started to read the letter. "How long has this been going on?" He asked as gave the letter to Roger. "It started 2 months ago." Y/n said as she looked down at her hands. "Why didn't you tell me?" Pete asked as he grabbed her shaking hands and looked her in the eyes.

"Because, I wanted to believe that what they were saying wasn't true. But now-" "Don't say that you are believing it? You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on. You're not a disgrace, you are my princess. You are all that matters to me." Pete spoke as he sat beside her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "I love you." Pete whispered. "I heard that name before, I think that Keith or John also got letters from this person before, saying that she's the biggest fan of the band and that she would sell her virginity to them."

Roger said as he placed the letter on the table and looked at Y/n. "She's a madwoman. Don't believe her. I also think that she's always at meet and greets." Roger added. "Thanks, Rog." Y/n smiled as she looked at the blond man. "You're welcome, love. Well, I will see you tonight." Roger said as he got up and walked out of the apartment. Pete stood up and pulled Y/n towards him as he placed his hands on her cheeks. "I love you, babe." Pete smiled before leaning in and placing his soft lips on hers. Y/n's hand went up to his hair and slightly tucked on a few strands.

"The things you do to me. I can't get enough of you, doll." Pete said as his hands slid down to her thighs and picked her up in his arms. "Pete, can't we wait until after the meet and greet?" Y/n said as she felt herself being pushed against the wall. "Pete, we really have to get ready to leave. Keith and John will be waiting and you know how Rog is when we are late." Y/n giggled as she got down from his arms and ran towards the bedroom before he could get Y/n. As Y/n stood in the bedroom, she had taken off her comfy clothing and stood in her underwear looking for something to wear.

"Honey, you are going to kill me one day." Pete said as he was leaning against the doorframe, looking at Y/n, who was still in her underwear. She simply smiled at Pete before grabbing one of the cushions from the bed and threw it at Pete. "Okay, I got the note. I will be waiting in the living room." Pete smiled as he walked out towards the living room. Y/N pulled out a black floral dress and pulled on her black low dr. Martens, before walking towards the living room, where she saw Pete looking out of the big window of their apartment.

"What are you thinking about, darling?" Y/n asked as she stood behind Pete and wrapped her arms around his waist. "The things I want to do to you when we get back from that meet and greet." Pete teased as he looked down at Y/n. "You're wearing my favourite dress on you. You are going to be the death of me, darling." Pete said as they walked out of the apartment and took a taxi to the Mall they had a meet and greet. Pete and Y/n walked out of the taxi and walked over to where the rest of the band stood talking to the manager. "Finally. What took you two so long?"

Roger asked as they walked inside the mall, where there were lots and lots of fans. "Well, if it depended on Pete, we would have taken a little longer." Y/n said as she walked next to Keith, who started to laugh. "Rog told me about the letters. That Morgan that wrote them, she is mental. She once wrote to me that she wanted to sell her virginity to me. Since it sounds like an offer I can't refuse, but I refused because she wrote other things that made me want to throw up." Keith said as they walked to the table in a record store and waited for the fans to walk in.

Y/n stood behind Pete and smiled at all the fans. "What's your name?" Pete asked as he looked up to a blond girl. "Morgan Fox." All the boys looked at Y/n, who's heart sank down to her feet. "So you are the one who has been sending my girlfriend threats to kill herself and that she was wasting my time." Pete said as he stood up. "Yeah. She deserves it. She is wasting your time. She's ugly." The girl said and Pete stood up. "Don't insult Y/n in front of me." Pete said as he raised his voice. "Apologize." Pete said. Bill, the manager, stood beside Y/n, who was starting to get nervous.

"I don't know why I should apologize." Morgan said as she looked at Y/n. "Pete, it's okay." Y/n smiled weakly, before turning to Bill. "Can we go outside?" "Of course, Y/n." Bill said as he let her outside. "Are you okay? I could see that you were getting nervous." Bill asked. Y/n nodded and smiled. Bill and Y/n stood outside for a while. The door opened and Pete walked out followed by Roger, Keith and John. And to Y/n surprise Morgan. "I would like to say something to you Y/n." Morgan said as she looked up at Y/n. "I am sorry for all the letters i have sent to you. I was just jealous." Morgan said.

"Thank you for apologizing. But please, think about what you are writing to someone before you send the letter. With the things that you might write you can really hurt someone's feelings." Y/n smiled as Pete wrapped an arm around her waist. "Okay. Bye." Morgan smiled before walking away. "We are going home." Pete told the band as they got into a taxi. "Be prepared to have a full night of pleasure baby. Cause I ain't going to stop after 2 rounds." Pete said as he placed a hand on Y/n's thigh. Y/n looked up at Pete before saying. "I can't wait." 

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