"You aren't the one bleedig." Severus Snape x reader

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"It could be worse, you know." I told my husband as i apparated with my husband in St. Mungos. "It could be worse? You are not the one bleeding." Severus replied. "Look, you are still alive. Stop whining. I could have lost you. Do you really think I want to lose my husband?" I snapped. "I am sorry. I just am a little oblivious to the fact that I could have died. You are right, you could have lost me" Severus stated. I smiled at him and sat him down in a chair before I walked to the front desk. The nurse that was seated there wasn't paying any attention to who came in and out of the hospital and was taling to her colleauge about her cheating husband.

"Hello? Hi, can you please call a doctor for my husband? He has been bitten by a snake in his neck." I hissed towards the nurse. "I am sorry miss, the doctor is coming soon. If you could sit down and wait." She stutterd. I sat down next to Severus and he held my hand. "Can you calm down?" He asked and I looked towards him. "How are you calm? You are bleeding and you sit here like nothing is happening." I took a breath before continueing. "I don't want to lose you, okay. I need you. We need you." I whispered. I looked at Severus as he looked at me.

I haven't told Severus yet, but a week before the battle, I came to St. Mungos to test if I was pregnant and to my luck, I was. " What do you mean, we need you? Are we having a baby?" He inquired "Yes. I came here before the battle and they tested me." I smiled and I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. "You are going to be a father." I cried. "I am going to be a father." He cried happily. He placed his hands on my cheeks and pulled me in for a kiss. "I love you." " I know. I love you too." Severus held me close to him and together we waited for the doctor.

After a few minutes, the doctor came and healed Severus. After what seems like hours, the doctor came and checked on Severus, before he told us that we could go home. "I am so happy that i haven't lost you." "You cannot get rid of me that easily, my darling." He winked and I smiled. "Let's go home." Once we were home, I sat down on the couch and started to read a book. "Darling, can i ask you something?" "Of course." I replied and placed down my book to look at Severus. "Why haven't you told me before the Battle?"

"I was scared. I didn't know how to tell you. I think it was because you were busy with the school and the fact that Harry returned. I was honestly scared to tell you, because I didn't know how you would react. I didn't know if you were excited to have a baby together." I explained and Severus came to sit next to me and placed his hand on my belly.. "I am excited that we are going to have a baby. But I wished I could have protected you better." " I am sorry that i didn't told you any time sooner." I apologized to him. We continued to talk for a while before we got ready for bed.

Time skip to 9 months later.

"Look at how beautiful she is." My mother spoke as she held the little bundle of joy close to her. "Do you have a name for her?" She added. I smiled at Severus, who was sitting next to me. "Lily Rose Snape." I told her. "Oh, such a cute name. Why those names?" " Lily is after a friend of Severus who he lost, quite some years ago. And Rose after my lovely grandmother." I replied and mum smiled. " That's a beautiful name darling." "Thank you mum." After a while my mother left and i held Lily in my arms. I slowly fell a sleep and i felt Severus taking Lily out of my arms and let me sleep.

I woke up 30 mins later and i slowly woke up to see Severus walking around with Lily in his arms and silently talking to her. "You are going to be so strong and so loved when you grow up. Your mummy and i will spoil you. Everyone is going to love you. You look just like your mother." "She does look like you too." I told him as i stood next to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "She will be such a bright witch, she will be loved." "You did great. I am very proud of you." "Thank you, my love." The doctor came in and told us that we could leave St. Mungos. We packed our stuff and apparated home.

The rest of the week went well, we had a couple of friends visiting. It was now friday and i got a knock on the door. I opened the door and i was surprised to see Harry standing infront of me. "Hello Harry. What a surprise to see you here." "I was wondering if i could come in. Is professor Snape home?" He asked as he stood in the hallway. "Uh yes, he is in the living room with our little girl." "Congratulations. I came to look at your new born and Ginny bought you these little onesies." "Thank you, Harry. Uh, do come further."

When Harry walked in Severus looked up and looked at Harry. " Hello professor. Uh, congrats on your new born." Harry smiled. "Thank you, Potter." "Would you like to hold her?" I asked as i sitting down on the couch with Lily in my arms. "Yeah. What is her name?" "Her name is Lily Rose." Severus replied. Harry looked up at Severus and smiled. "After my mother?" Harry asked before continuing. " After all this time?" Severus glared and i smiled. "Shut it, Potter." Harry stayed for some time before he told us that he had to go. " Goodbye, Harry." Severus greeted. "Goodbye professor." Harry replied.

After Harry left, we had dinner and we sat on the couch and talked to each other. After a while, we went to bed. It was very lovely to see Harry again and to see that Severus melted with Lily in our lives. I wouldn't have it any other way. 

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