"Was this a one time thing?" Lucius Malfoy x Fem!Reader.

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Warning: This part contains smut. If that is not your cup of tea, feel free to leave and read something else of my stories. If you do stick around, you have been warned. Also, i don't condone cheating. Enjoy the story.

Y/n L/n couldn't remember the last time she saw Lucius Malfoy. Of course she had met him once when they were at Hogwarts, and once in Diagon Alley, but that was it. Y/n was getting ready for the day, she was going to the Ministry for her first day for a job she applied to. Y/n decided to go for a white blouse and black trousers. She pulled her hair in a bun and applied little makeup, before she walked down the stairs, grabbed her heels and bag and headed out the door. When Y/n arrived at the ministry, she looked a little lost. She saw two men walking up to her and she gave him a smile. "You must be Y/n. I forgot to tell you this when we first met, but you will be working for Mr. Malfoy." Fudge said as he smiled towards Y/n. "Oh, okay." 

Y/n replied as she looked slightly confused. "You will be his assistant." Fudge added. When Y/n looked at Mr. Malfoy, she noticed that he was letting his eyes roam over her body. "What's your name?" Malfoy asked coldly. "Y/n L/n, sir." Y/n replied as she felt slightly nervous. "Cornelius, I am off. Mrs. L/n, follow me." Malfoy said as he walked off. They apparated to Malfoy Manor, where Y/n would sort through his mail and other general tasks. Throughout the day, Lucius kept a close eye on Y/n, he could swear that he saw her before, but he could put a finger on it. "Tell me, Y/n. Where did you go to school?" "I went to Hogwarts, sir." Y/n replied as she looked at the man. "I got sorted into Slytherin." Y/n added. "Ah. That's where I know you from." 

He said as he took another look at Y/n. Weeks passed and Y/n got used to working with Lucius. She went to Hogwarts a couple of times with Lucius and it brought back so many memories when she was there. Y/n often had to work late with Lucius, as they were discussing various tasks for her and some meetings he had to attend. Everytime Y/n stood close to Lucius, she felt something inside her. She didn't know what it was, but she often found herself in her shower or in her bedroom, thinking about the man. Y/n was sure that Lucius had noticed that she changed the way she looked at him. Y/n also noticed the change in his behaviour when he was with her and when he was with Narcissa. Both Lucius and Y/n weren't scared of sending winks or flirtatious smiles towards each other's way. Y/n knew it was wrong to flirt with a married man, but she couldn't help it. He was just so attractive. 

Y/n arrived at the manor, wearing a short skirt and a green top. Narcissa opened the door and nearly ran into Y/n. "Oh hello, Y/n. I am sorry, I have to go and meet up with my sister." Narcissa said as she gave her a sweet smile and walked away. Y/n walked into the large house and found Lucius in the dining room, enjoying breakfast, joined by his son Draco. "Good morning, Mr. Malfoy. Good Morning Draco." Y/n smiled. "Good morning, Mrs. L/n." Lucius said as he looked up from the Daily Prophet and let his eyes roam over her, not so covered,  body. "Father, I have to go. I promised Crabbe and Goyle that I would meet them in Knockturn Alley." Draco said as he got up and walked out of the house, leaving the two 'co-workers' alone. Y/n did her usual tasks, while Lucius did his normal work, but this time there was some tension between them. 

As the day went by, Y/n found herself having another late night with Lucius. Y/n was busy sorting the papers on Lucius' desk, while Lucius was out of the office. Being her clumsy self, she dropped some of the papers. Y/n cursed to herself as she bent down to pick the papers up. She didn't notice Lucius walking in again, so when she straightened up, she slightly jumped when she felt him standing behind her. "You have a lot of nerves, little one. Coming into my house, wearing a short skirt and a top like that, while my wife and son were still here." Lucius whispered in her ear from behind. "I-i am sorry, sir." Y/n said as she turned around. Lucius walked closer to Y/n, backing her up against his desk. "You are lucky we are in my private office. I couldn't bear the thought of the men in the Ministry looking at you when you are wearing something like this. I have to have you all for myself." Lucius whispered as he let his hand roam over her side, down to her thigh, slightly caressing the flesh. Y/n lifted herself on the desk, before she held his hand to stop him. 

"We can't. You are married." Y/n said. "Well, we actually signed divorce papers a couple of days ago. I haven't had my wife for months." He said. "Now tell me that you need me." Lucius said as he started to kiss Y/n down her neck and slowly rubbed her clothes clit. Lucius watched Y/n's face closely as he played with her. "You are so beautiful." Lucius said as he thrusted a finger inside of her and kissed down her neck. Y/n could feel herself getting close to her climax. Lucius pulled his fingers away from her, making Y/n whine a little. Lucius wrapped an arm around her waist and slammed his lips on hers. Y/n slipped her hand down to the front of his trousers. 

"Such a needy little girl." Lucius said as he pulled away from the kiss. Y/n lifted her skirt up a little and pulled off her knickers, while Lucius worked on dropping his trousers down to his ankles. Lucius placed the head at her entrance and thrusted his hips forward. They both let out a loud sigh, while Lucius stayed still for a moment before he started to thrust into Y/n. Y/n wrapped her legs around his waist. "Merlin, you feel so good." Lucius said as he placed his hands on her waist. Y/n felt herself getting close and wrapped her arms around Lucius and pulled him closer to her, placing her lips on his, keeping her from screaming as she climaxed. Lucius followed right after, slowing down his thrusts. Y/n got off the desk, pulled her knickers back on and pulled down her skirt. "Was this a one time thing?" Y/n asked after a while. 

"Do you want it to be?" Lucius asked as he sat on his chair. "Not really." Y/n admitted. "I have to admit something. When I met you the first time, at Hogwarts, I fell for you." Y/n said after a moment of silence. "These feelings only got stronger when  I grew older." Y/n added as she saw Lucius get up and walked towards her. "I have to admit. When i first saw you back, my feelings for you came back as well." Lucius admitted as he placed a hand on her cheek. "I love you, Y/n. Be mine." Lucius said after a moment of comfortable silence. "Of course Lucius." Y/n said as she placed her lips on his again. "I love you. Mr. Malfoy." Y/n said as she walked out of his office. When the divorce came through, Y/n moved in with Lucius, they got married after 3 years of being together and they had a beautiful baby girl, named Nylah Malfoy. Y/n was sitting on the couch, holding the newborn, Lucius was sitting next to her, reading the Daily Prophet. "I love you, Malfoy." Y/n said as they shared a kiss. "I know, L/n." Lucius replied as he felt his wife's head on his shoulder, slowly falling asleep with little Nylag in her arms. 

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