John Watson x Reader: Meeting the pleasant doctor.

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I've lived in London for several months now and haven't gotten used to it yet. Before that i've lived in Rome, where i was born, but moved for college and because i've loved England. I was walking down my street on my way to my school. I crossed the street, when a car almost hit me. "Stai attendo, coglione." I yelled at the driver in Italian. That was still a habit for me. I still spoke italian sometimes, because i am used to it. I wasn't pay attention and ran into someone. "Excuse me. It's my fault." I spoke politly. "No problem." The guy spoke and looked me into the eyes. "I am John." "Nice to meet you. My name is Y/n." I smiled and felt my face heating up.

"I have to go. I'll see you around." I spoke and walked away. I walked to college and entered the classroom. I sat down in my usual spot and waited for class to start. The class was interesting, but i couldn't stop thinking about John. He had a sweet smile on his face. I smiled at the thought. But there is no way that i would see him again. I don't even know where he lives or where he works. When class was over. I walked out side and went too Starbucks to grab a coffee. I crossed the street, but got hit by a car, before blacking out. hours later, i woke up in a room, so bright that it hurt my eyes. "What happened?" I asked the nurse, in my room. "You've got hit by a car and blacked out. You have a broken leg and 2 broken ribs and a cut on your lip. The doctor will come any minute to check on you." The nurse smiled and walked away.

"Hello i am Doctor Watson. How are you feeling?" The doctor spoke and looked up from his clipboard. "Y/n. I didn't know i would see you again." "I didn't know it either. I am feeling a lot of pain in my ribs." I told John and he smiled. "That's normal. You have to stay for 2 days just for a check up. We will give you some pain relivers and the ribs will be healed in 2 weeks, but the leg takes a little longer. I will give you rest and i wil try swing by if i am free."John smiled and walked away. *a few weeks later* After the accident i had, i stayed at the hospital for 2 days. When i was home, John came to visit me. My ribs were fine, but my leg did still hurt. I stayed home and worked on everything in needed to do for college.

Today, i was very happy. John was coming over and i was going to tell him about my feelings for him. I felt nervous for it, because it was the first time in years that i was going to tell a guy about my feelings, but i wasa scared. Scared for how he was going to react. I asked my sister to help me with my hair and makeup and clothes. When she was done helping me, she wished me good luck and went home. I ordered chinese take away since i wasn't able to cook because of my leg and waited at the table for John. I told him trough text that the door was open and John walked in.

"Hello, i hope you didn't have to wait long." "No sit down. Do you want some wine?" I asked him with a smile. "Yes, please. How's the leg?" He asked. I gave him his wine and told him that my leg was still hurt, but it was getting better. We started to eat and talked about ourself. "I hope this is good. I didn't have the abbilaty to cook because of my leg." "No problem. It's delicious." He spoke and i smiled. We contiued to talk about our lives. When we were finished eating, John helped me into the couch and we sat down.

"Uh, John. I need to tell you something." I spoke after a moment of silence. "What is it Y/n?" John asked. "Uh ever since i bumped in to you, i felt something i haven't felt in years. And i was a feeling that i don't want to go away. I am in love with you." I spoke and John looked a little shocked. "Wow, i thought i was the only one that was feeling something after that day we met. And when i saw you in the hospital, i was worried, worried about you and it was a good feeling. I am in love with you as well." He spoke and i smiled. I saw John lean in and did the same and i felt his lips on mine. It was a kiss that lasted a while. It felt so good and i didn't want to stop. After a while we pulled away and i smiled at him.

We sat there in silence, my head on John's shoulder. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" John asked. "Of course, i will." I smiled and placed another a kiss on his lips again. Suddenly i heard John's phone ring and he picked up. "What is it Sherlock?" He asked on the phone. "Okay i'll come as soon as possible." He spoke and ended the call. John got up and smiled at me. "I am sorry darling, but Sherlock needs me. I will come back as fast as i can." He told me and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you." "I love you too, darling. See you later." He spoke and walked away. I felt lonely for a while, but decided to sleep.

I was happy with John and i knew that he would make me feel like a special person. It was after years i felt this giggly feeling inside my stomach. John was my knight in shining armour after the accident and helped me the weeks i was home, before i told him what i felt for him today. It was a great feeling and it wasn't going to go away for a long time. 

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