"The cookies are sweet. But not as sweet as you." Jim Moriarty x Fem! Reader

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"Let me fucking go." Y/n yelled towards the man that was standing in front of her. "You know, i can't do that. You are important to get me towards Jim. I need your help. You see, he has something that is mine. " The man spoke softly as he walked up to her."Whatever the fuck it is, I would tell you where Jim is." Y/n hissed again. "You are his pet. You need to tell me where he is." "I am not his pet, I am his girlfriend and I am not going to snitch on him." Y/n hissed. "Did you hear that, Andy? She is his girlfriend." "Right, I really don't want to do this, but you give me no choice." One of the men, pulled out a knife and walked towards Y/n. "I don't think so. Put the fucking knife down. If you touch her, you are a dead man." Y/n heard the voice of Jim say, who stood behind her. "If you did something to her, you are a dead man. Tell me princess, did they hurt you?" Jim asked Y/n. "They sliced my cheek, Jimmy. And made a cut in my leg." Y/n pouted as Jim stood in front of her.

"You are a dead man. Sebby, shoot them. Told you would be a dead man. You should have known better than to hurt my princess." Jim ordered the assassin. "Let's get you home." Jim smiled as he took off the ties on Y/n's wrists and helped her get up. "Jim, my leg hurts." Y/n hissed as she tried to walk on her hurt leg. "Seb will take care of your leg when we are home. It doesn't look that deep, so you don't need stitches." Jim explained as he helped Y/n in his car. The drive home was silent. Y/n laid her head on Jim's shoulder and was actually thinking about what had happened to her. Once they arrived at their apartment, Jim helped her up and Y/n sat down on the couch, once they walked into the living room. Seb went to grab a first aid kit and Jim sat down Y/n and cleaned the wound on her cheek. "Fuck, that hurts." Y/n hissed as the wound stinged. "Language." Jim teased as he placed a band aid on her cheek and kissed her forehead.

Seb was done with her leg and smiled up at his boss. Jim dismissed him and walked towards the kitchen. "What would you like for dinner?" Jim asked. "Can we get some pizza?" Y/n asked Jim. "Of course. The usual for you?" Y/n was about to reply when it suddenly hit her, it finally sunk in that she was kidnapped for info about Jim and she started to cry. "Princess? What's wrong, my angel?" Jim asked as he walked back to the couch to see his lover crying. He sat down next to her and pulled her in for a hug. "I think it just sunk in about what happened. I got really scared. They were threatening me to get to you. I just find it hard to forget." Y/n replied through her tears. "I know that it is hard. But, please remember this. No matter where you are, I will always find you and save you." Jim said as she lifted her cheek and wiped away the tears. "And sebby will always kill anyone that hurts you. He cares about you as much as I do. He told me himself, you are like a sister to him." Jim smiled as he pecked her lips.

"I love you, my angel." Jim said. "I love you too, Jim." Y/n said as she pecked his lips over and over. "So, the usual pizza for you?" Jim asked again as he got up. "Yes, please." Y/n replied. Jim walked into the kitchen and called to place an order. When he was done, he grabbed two glasses of wine and a bottle and walked back to the couch. "Do you want to watch a movie?" Y/n asked as Jim filled the glasses and gave one to Y/n. "You choose, princess." Jim smiled and Y/n picked out the Shining on Netflix and sat back down next to Jim. After an hour into the movie, the pizzas were delivered and the couple were enjoying their food while watching the movie. "Uh, boss. There is a problem with one of the other workers." Sebby said as he walked up to Jim and Y/n. "I will be right back, princess." Jim spoke as he kissed her lips and got up, walking out the door with Seb following behind him. Since it was getting late, Y/n decided to get to bed and tried to sleep.

She walked into their shared bedroom and smiled when she saw Jim's robe on the bed. She got undressed and slipped her arms into the sleeves, tying a knot close to her body and laid down on Jim's side of the bed. Y/n was tossing and turning around in bed and looked at the alarm clock. She sighed when it read 3.30pm and got up, walking to the living room. She found it hard to sleep without Jim, so she decided to watch some telly and after a while she slowly drifted off to sleep. "Y/n, sweetheart. I am back." Jim whispered as Y/n slowly opened her eyes and smiled at Jim. She looked outside and saw that it was slowly getting lighter outside. "Is that my robe?" Jim asked. "Yeah, I might have slept in it when you were gone, because it smells like you." Y/n smiled. "I am sorry that i left you alone, but there was some trouble. Someone wasn't really good with taking orders." Jim said as they walked into the kitchen. "Anyway. What do you want to do today?" Jim asked his lover. "Can we take a bath together? And bake some cookies or cake?" Y/n asked. It was autumn after all. She thought to herself. "Sure." Jim smiled as he made some breakfast. Y/n went to the bathroom after breakfast and started to fill the bathtub with warm water and some bubbles. When the tub was full, Jim walked in the bathroom and got undressed, while Y/n took off the robe and her underwear. Jim stepped into the bath and sat down, with Y/n between his legs.

"This is nice." Y/n sighed as she enjoyed the warm water. "We could use some more relaxation time more often." Jim agreed. After a moment of just sitting in the water, Jim washed Y/n's hair. When they were done in the bath, They got out and wrapped towels around their bodies. "I love you, Jim. Thank you for spending this day with me." Y/n smiled as she kissed Jim, who was getting dressed again. "I will always make time for you, princess." Jim smiled as he wrapped his arms around Y/n and pulled her in for a kiss. When Y/n got dressed in her leggings and oversized jumper, they walked back to the kitchen and grabbed all the ingredients to make some chocolate chip cookies. After a moment of weighing the right amount of all the ingredients and putting them all in a bowl for some mixing, Jim and Y/n shaped the batter in balls on the cooking tray and Y/n placed them in the oven. "Would you like some tea?" Y/n asked Jim as he went to sit on the couch.

"Yes. Thank you my angel." Jim smiled and Y/n made some tea. When the tea was finished, Y/n walked towards Jim and gave him a cup. Y/n sat down on the couch and Jim pulled her between his legs again. "What are you doing?" Y/n asked as she giggled. "Do you have a hair tie?" He asked. "Why?" "I am going to braid your hair, princess." Jim said and Y/n got up. She went to grab a hair tie and when she got back, she took the cookies out the oven and placed them on the counter and walked back to Jim. Y/n sat back down between his legs and gave him the hair tie. Jim started to braid Y/n's hair and she couldn't help but giggle. When Jim was finished with braiding her hair, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her on top of him. "I adore you, princess." Jim smiled as he pecked her lips over and over again. "I adore you too, baby." Y/n replied as she sat up and looked down at Jim.

"As much as I love you on top of me and you know that it is my favourite position, there are cookies waiting for us to eat." Jim smiled as he sat up. Y/n got off Jim's lap and walked towards the kitchen. Y/n placed the cookies on a plate and walked back to Jim. "These cookies are amazing." Y/n smiled as she took a bite from her cookie. "They are sweet. But not as sweet as you. Give me some sugar babe." Jim added and Y/n placed another kiss on his lips . They spend the rest of the day, munching on the cookies and watching some more halloween movies. Later that day, Y/n and Jim were sleeping on the couch together and it was late already. Jim woke up and picked Y/n up bridal style and walked to their shared bedroom and laid her down on the bed. He placed a kiss on her forehead, before he got in the bed himself and placed a hand on her hip. Y/n woke up not long after, she got placed in bed and turned to look at Jim.

"Thank you for being there for me." She whispered. "You don't have to thank me. I will always be there for you. No matter where you are or where I am, there is no one that can stop me from loving you. You are way too special for me and I would do anything in my power to protect you from all the bad and evil people out there. Even if it means that i have to kill, I don't mind going to prison if it means that i can protect you." Jim confessed and placed a loving kiss on Y/n's lips. The kiss lasted a while. Y/n laid her head on Jim's chest and fell asleep in his arms. 

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