Midnight movie. Jim Moriarty x reader

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I woke up in the middle of the night, it started to storm and it woke me up. I looked at Jim's sleeping figure next to me and decided to get out of bed and watch a bit of the tv. I slowly walked out the room and walked down the stairs of our penthouse. I sat down on the couch and put on the tv.

Whenever it starts to storm i get a bit scared. Scared that it might damage the house. After a while i maid down on the couch and the tv was playing in te background. I slowly closed my eyes and started to sleep. "Y/n. Wake up my love."

I heard Jim say and i opened my eyes. "Why aren't you sleeping in bed?" Jim asked. "Because the storm woke me and i couldn't get back to sleep. And i didn't want to wake you." I explained. "Darling, you can always wake me up even if it is because you are scared. I will always protect you. Should i make us some tea?" Jim asked and i nodded.

He went to the kitchen and made us some tea. After a few minutes he came back and gave me a cup. "Thank you." I spoke as he sat down next to me. "Wanna watch a movie my love?" He asked. "Yeah." I answered and he played my favourite disney movie, Dumbo. I went to sit close to him and he wrapped his arms around my neck. I wiped away some tears during the movie and i could see that Jim did the same.

"Oh darling, don't cry." I teased. "I am not crying, i just have something in my eye." He denied. " I love you Jim." I told him and laid my head on his shoulder and slowly closed my eyes again. "I love you too, my sweet." He spoke and gave me a kiss on my forehead before falling asleep with Dumbo continueing in the background.

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