Baby talk

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I walk down the cold street I decided to walk back to just have some time to myself fix my own thoughts ted is such a sweet guy he wants the best for everyone I'm glad Barney has agreed to let him come to the wedding, and the wedding god lily and robin will help me plan it but it's in less than three months we haven't planned anything we haven't decided on anything far less thinking about any kids yet or even having that discussion. I wrap my scarf around my neck it's a chilly night the only thing I can hear is my breath and my footsteps against the concrete streets, I fumble around with the keys but the door won't open damn Barney must have left his key on the other side
I think as I reach into my bag pulling my phone out calling Barney banging on the door until finally
I hear a muffled groan from the other side Barney opens the door in his pyjama top hair messed up blonde hair blue eyes starting back at me I barge past him "what was that for ouch" Barney exclaims angrily rubbing his arm as he locks the door behind me "you left Barney lily was giving birth tonight" Barney looking back at me confused shrugging his shoulders and yawning "okay so Why you so annoyed about it" I throw my bag down on the ground sitting down on the couch looking back at barney "so that's all you have to say lily is your great friend is that what its going to be like with me okay so" barney walks over to me shaking his head as he sits down beside me "woah woah we're on earth is this coming from why are you thinking about kids right now" I sigh deeply closing my eyes shaking my head "I don't know I just what happens if I want that and you don't" "well that's the thing do you want that?" I turn to face barney staring at me tired eyes messy hair "yes I want that I never have before but with you it doesn't seem like such a bad idea" barney sighs pulling me to his side arm round my shoulder "listen your under a lot of stress right now we still have the wedding to plan and lily has just had a baby we can think about it after the wedding okay?" I lay my head on barneys shoulder I can feel his chin on my head "okay sure" "right now what we both need is a sleep"

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