As sweet as frosting

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I walk down the street past maclarens and up the stairs lily and marshall were out today and ted has asked me to hang out while Barney is away at work. I knock at the door no answer I knock again still no answer I sigh heavily as I grab my phone picking it up and calling ted "h-hello ted I'm outside I've knocked twice" ted hangs up and opens the door laughing "sorry about that I was busy trying to figure out how on earth you bake a cake" I laugh walking over opening the fridge "what kind of cake? You wanting to make?" he joins me by the fridge "just a simple vanilla sponge cake with a layer of buttercream icing on the outside" I smile and nod looking through the ingredients "i think you have everything there shall we start"
"No no ted stop stop it its 200g of melted butter not 600g you wanting a greasy wet cake?" I say through laughter he replies "i said I wanted the cake moist though" we continue laughing as ted stirs the cake I go to get a drink of water I turn back and laugh at ted "what? What is it what's wrong?" i grab a cloth and wet it still laughing "ted stay still you have cake batter in your hair and all over the counter" I laugh trying to fix his hair it only spikes it up and goes puffy making us laugh more as I fix the counter
"right oven crystal what temperature should I bake it at?" I try to think I shout back at ted "375 Fahrenheit should be good leave it in there for a good half hour I think" I hear bleeping then a shut of the oven door ted walks through and sits on the couch passing me a can of beer "we got there in the end" ted sighs smiling at me I laugh "after most of it ended up in your hair" ted pushes me "HEY! It was a great hair gel"
We start layering the three layers of cake and I grab the chilled buttercream icing we made earlier on together. I grab a plastic spatula and start spreading It on the cake as ted watches me fondly from the sink as he attempts to wash the dishes, I hear all the clattering around I laugh to myself shaking my head he can't even do dishes right "do you need some help over there?" "Noooo I'm fine don't worry I'm almost finished"
After a while we stand back looking at the amazing cake we have created together I get to plates out for us to have a slice each I cut two nice sized slices and place them onto the plates. We sit down together and I pass ted his plate "right does this taste as good as it looks" we smile at each other as we take a bite at the same time we both nod at each other "yes yes that is a spectacular cake wow" ted nods his head in agreement as he eats the rest of his slice he finishes "I've got to ask the agreement Christmas how is it looking on your part" I smile at him looking at each other I nod "it's looking pretty great I must say but let's not jinx are selfs we have exactly three weeks till Christmas" ted smiles back I can tell he's glad to hear that sort of reassurance.

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