Girls night

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We watch as barney ted and Marshall all say there goodbyes bolting down the stairs almost tripping up over each other lily shuts the door behind her shaking Her head she turns to me "okay now the boys are gone let's have a girl day here all together" I nod excitedly picking my phone out I call Robin she answers "MY BITCH you free to hang out with me a lily yeah? Yes okay cya here in half a hour" I hang up the phone nodding "yeah she's free she's just finishing up work right now" lily nods as she walks into the kitchen stirring a pot of something.
A half hour later robin arrives at the door I open it greeted with a tight hug "bitch it's so great to see you how is barney how are you you look amazing where did you get those shoes" before I can answer all those questions lily walks out the kitchen smiling with three bowls "anyone want beef stew". We all sit down lily is a great cook unlike Marshall who can't work a microwave "wow lily this is amazing how did you make this" lily smiles shrugging her shoulders "I just threw a few things together" robin nods taking another mouth full of the stew "so lily when is the baby due? Soon" I ask Robin looking at lily "I think the baby is due in less than a month Marshall has been doing great setting evrey thing up and taking care of me"
Lily sits down on the couch laughing at me and Robin drinking dancing around the living room in a attempt to entertain lily me and Robin holding hands spinning in circles I let go and we both go flying hitting opposite sides of the wall with a thud lily screams still laughing, me and Robin sit on the ground creasing are self's I push myself up walking over to robin helping her up we sit down next to lily still laughing to are selfs "I wonder what the boys are up to in Atlantic city" robin says nudging me "probably already lost barney at some club" we all laugh imagining them all being drunk and stupid.
We sit for a while watching some soap shows eating crackers and cheese, lily stands up walking over to the fridge getting herself a drink of fruit juice and us both a beer she walks through and drops the cans with a panicked look on her face me and Robin turn away from the television staring at Lily's clearly stunned face "what's wrong lily" lily looks shaken robin turns to me confused we look back at her as lily stumbles over her words "I think my water just broke"

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