Stubborn stinson

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I open the door to are apartment when I enter I walk through to the bedroom to see Barney at the mirror sorting his tie he turns around looks at me up and down then continues with his tie, I sit down on the bed putting my handbag down "listen I'm sorry I shouted but I just don't think it's fair" Barney looks in the mirror angrily then turns around storming past me into the kitchen I follow after watching him make another coffee as I stand in the door frame. "i went to see your mother she told me where your dad lives I met him" Barney turns around starting at me I walk over to him "he dosen't have to come to the wedding if you don't want him to but please just talk to him?" Barney inhales deeply looking down at the ground "okay fine ill talk to him but I doubt after all these years it will make anything better"
So I got Barney to agree with having lunch at his father's house this weekend hopefully it goes well Jerome seems like he's wanted to talk to Barney for year's but never known what to say to him, I said id come along with Barney to make it less awkward for them both. I sit with Barney on his leather couch watching the some stupid show in the background I lay my head against Barney's chest just as I'm about to fall asleep there's a knock at the door, I look up at Barney I stand up at stretching I make my say to the door I open it it's robin.
I let robin in she takes a seat "im worried about ted I've not heard from him in ages" Barney groans getting off the couch and boiling the kettle "pft ted he's probably just finishing of a temper tea? Robin" "no barney robin is right we're is ted?" Barney laughs passing me a coffee "he just needs time to cool off I got a voice mail from him saying he was going to the airport or move something like that" me and Robin both stare at Barney "he what"

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