Broken bro code

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I wake up to my phone ringing 9 am I slowly open my eyes grabbing my phone it's lily "hey lily how are you doing" I whisper trying not to awaken Barney I walk out the bedroom shutting the bedroom door slightly "hey crystal listen I know were okay but I'm worried about ted and Barney I think we should try to get them to meet up" pausing for a second I creek the door open looking at Barney sleeping and snoring I smile slightly "of course lily that would be great I think it's a shame the boys have fallen out it's a great idea Barney doesn't awaken till about" "okay great ted doesn't wake up until about ten so we have about you to figure it out meet me at maclarens"
throwing my hair up and putting a quick outfit together I speed walk to maclarens I open the door as I walk in lily robin smiling back at me I walk over to the "right so what's the plan?" lily and robin looking at each other than nodding "we need to get them both to be at the same place at the same time but we have to make sure they don't fight" I nod smiling thinking "okay when ted awakens marshall you bring him down here and ill some how get Barney down here"
I walk into the apartment Barney sitting on the couch with a coffee turning sound smiling at me "where did you go? I was just about to text you" I smile waving the jar of peanut butter above my head "i went out to get peanut butter for my toast" Barney nods as I take a seat next to him on the couch he continues sipping his coffee "wanna have a quiet drink at MacLaren's today" "why would you want to go to MacLaren's " "well it's just a similar place I just thought it would be nice because we have been going to a lot of other places recently" Barney looks at me thinking or a while putting his arm around my shoulder pulling me close "okay sure we can go there for a drink" he smiles kissing my head
Barney gets changed into his suit putting on his black shoes then his tie "right let's go" me and Barney head out the door I shut it behind us. I walk down the street nervous but still smiling what happens if we make this whole thing worse. I open the door to maclarens walking hand and hand with barney lily runs up "oh hello guys great to see you barney and you Crystal I've not seen you in ages it feels like" barney nods smiling weakly at lily we walk over to take a seat when ted walks out of the men's bathroom instantly locking eyes with barney.
"Guys what on earth is that prick doing here" barney laughs staring at us all "I see you all set this up didn't you unbelievable"
he scowls standing up and storming out into the pouring rain I follow after "barney wait up" turning around shaking his head at me "what let me guess you helped them" I nod barney rolling his eyes about to walk away "barney please just listen I can't stand the stand the thought of you and ted not being friends you have been bros for years" suddenly everyone else running out after us both robin speaks up "listen there's no need to argue I know we have had are differences recently but come on boys seriously over Crystal years ago you would never let anyone between you two" barney shaking his head looking at the ground hair soaked suit drenched "it wasn't my fault that barney broke the bro code" with that barney snapped turned around punched Ted in the nose stumbling back ted holding his hand under his nose seeing blood pouring both guys go to lunge at each other but Marshall gets in the middle shouting at them both "I swear to god if you two don't make up in the next hour I will bang your heads together NOW STOP IT" he yells pushing them both apart barney breathing heavily turning around ted wiping blood into his sleeve.

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