The stinsons

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I awaken to the sound of my alarm buzzing turning around I Wack the top of the alarm stopping the irritating buzzing noise I look round to see barney still sound asleep I nudge him he jumps slightly turning to me then looking at the time "it's like 9am" I nod as I stand up dragging the covers of him "yeah time to get up we're seeing your dad today and I don't want to be late" barney groans getting out of bed rubbing his eyes "why do you care about that old hag anyways" i slap barneys arm barney in shock steps back staring at me "NO NO we're not doing this today you haven't seen the man in years now go change into your suit" barney laughs slightly as he opens his wardrobe deciding between a charcoal grey or a light grey suit. Meanwhile I go through to the kitchen making us both coffee and putting some toast on for us both.
After about twenty minutes while I'm sitting on the couch finishing of my coffee and toast I hear barney shout though "what tie should I wear the darker one or the lighter one?" "What suit did you pick?" "The light grey" "go with the darker tie then" there's silence as I crunch into my last bite of toast barney walks though in his suit and looks at me "ohhh okay so I have to get changed but you aren't changed" I laugh shaking my head watching barney as he picks his coffee up "I don't take as long as you I normally throw something on you always wear a suit frankly it's weird but let's not have that argument again" barney nods in agreement as I go through to are bedroom slipping on a light yellow sundress with pretty white heels.
Me and barney walk down the stairs to the taxi we hop in together I direct the taxi to Staten Island,barney sits looking out the window I turn to him "please please im begging you please don't argue with him not tonight" barney sighs nodding as we pull up on the street barneys father lives on. I knock on the door I can feel my heart racing in my chest Jerome answers the door smiling "Crystal lovely to see you again barney great to see you you look amazing" barney nods putting on his best fake smile as he mumbles under his breathe thanks as his dad hugs him.
"Barney it's so great to see you we have a lot of catching up to do" Jerome says as he leaves us in the living room to go check on dinner barney whispers in my ear "it's not to late to bail on what's going to be the most awkward dinner ever" I chuckle slightly slapping barney again "SHH just be nice" we walk into the kitchen the table is set out and Jerome is busy carving the roast beef he looks up smiling "take a seat anywhere you want" barney sits down beside me still fake smiling he whispers again as his dad goes to grab some wine for us "can't I take a seat outside?"
This time I actually slap barney across the back of the head glaring at himJerome serves us are roast beef with potatoes veg and gravy I take a bite smiling "Jerome this food is amazing thank you" barney sits there just pushing his food around with the fork not wanting to be there clearly I look round and under the table I jab his side barney clears his throat as he takes a bite smiling in fake agreement. I'm talking with Jerome barney fairly quiet well silent to be honest barney turns around looking at a photo "uh jerom-dad who are those people in that photo" "that's my lovely wife Cheryl And my son JJ" barney scoffs rolling his eyes "what kind of a name JJ surely it stands for something" Jerome clears his throat putting his knife and fork down "it stands for Jerome Junior" I look at barney,barney nods putting his knife and fork down angrily "you have another son? Named after you" barney says the whole room silent Jerome nods barney stands up picking up his suit jacket heading for the door Me and Jerome following After Jerome calls after him "barney please stop" barney turns around scowling at his father "you have another son named after you" "yes okay I have another son and beautiful wife" Barney cuts Jerome of "you know what I don't wanna hear it your just some lame suburban dad" Barney says in frustration opening the door "why does that make you so mad" Jerome shouts Barney turns to his father and shouts right back "beacuse if you were going to be some lame suburban dad why couldn't you of been that for me"

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