Snow globe

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I stand staring at the GNB tower snow flakes glistening in the dark night the GNB sign lit up the water at peace the wind nonexistent. I can't help but wonder what is barney doing right now probably going to pick up some slag at the bar,but what happens if he's sitting alone in his apartment and I'm sitting alone up here hearing how happy and cheerful everyone is but I just can't put my mind to rest I've got to go see him.
I pick up my jacket and bag Ted pauses the movie looking at me "Crystal you leaving already?" I sigh pausing and say as I go to the door "yeah it's been a long day I'm just gonna go home to get a early night" they all nod saying goodbye I smile wave and shut the door I walk out into the crispy cold air as the snow has started coming down faster the wind picking up now. as I crunch through the snow down the street past maclarens past the GNB building, I stop looking up to the tall building snow falling down onto my face making me shiver I turn round the corner heading to East 81st Street. Picking my phone up I go to call barney I wait it rings.....voicemail damn it barney I know you ur not asleep not at this time anyways
I walk up the stairs when I reach the door and I knock I wait my heart beating in my chest I can hear it in my ears in my throat until finally Barney answers "wha- oh...crystal I didn't expect to answer the door to you" I smile weakly at him his eyes bloodshot hair slightly ruffled wearing a suit like always but his shirt untucked his tie loose around his neck. looking Barney up and down "no ones really heard from you in a long time are you alright?" Barney nods opening the door to let me in I slowly walk in the corner on the ground what looks like a smashed snow globe is on the ground. I let out a little confused laugh pointing at it "did you? Smash that or did it fall" Barney walks over looking at it then quickly picking the bits up he cuts his finger "AH shit f*ck" he says in an irritated voice sucking the blood out his finger I slap his shoulder "GOD Barney no stop go get a plaster and ill clean this up properly you do not pick up broken glass with your hands you twat" Barney smiles down at me as I pick it up I look up "well go on go clean it under the tap and put a plaster over it" he mockingly salutes me and walks over to the sink as I clean up.
I sit down Barney bringing over a glass of wine for us both and sitting down the plaster around his finger "that snow globe was it a present for anyone? A gift from someone" Barney scoffs at me and turns away "it was a present for you but whatever it was lame anyway" I sigh and smile shoving him "hey you said you didn't do Christmas yet you got me present? What's that about" Barney laughs and rolls his eyes taking a long sip of wine I watch as he does so once he is finished I break the silence "barney what is going on the not yourself you look like you haven't been sleeping at all and well charismas eve aren't you normally at some strip club?" Barney laughs weakly as he rests his head back on the couch "crystal for the first time ever Ive felt feelings for a women and not....sexual feelings like I actually care about this person and to know that the first person I've ever loved is far to good for me and would never fall for someone like me is just exhausting"
I look into Barney's deep blue eyes I can see the pain in them I can see how exhausted he is I look away letting out a long exhale we both sit there in silence I can't think of anything to say Barney chuckles softly to himself and turns to me "you do realise when I first met you I wasn't trying to sleep with you-" I cut him short but punching his arm he grabs it and laughs with an offended face I roll my eyes "sure you weren't that's why you can't even finish that sentence without laughing" I roll my eyes and he laughs slumping further down into the couchh "hey you never know maybe I was being nice I did see you crying after all" I nod I look up and are eyes meet Barney is smiling right back at me I laugh to myself a little as we don't break contact barney comes closer until are noses are touching his breathing heavy still got the same smile on his face until finally this drum roll builds up and are lips crash together I can taste the alcohol on barneys breathe I pull back smiling "we don't tell anyone about this right?" Barney nods smiling still grabbing my face in as are lips lock together

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