think about it

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I wake up to a knock on my door my hair in a messy bun me in pyjama bottoms and an oversized top I answer it Barney standing there at the door laughing at me"seriously go get changed we have an hour till we meet at McLaren's hurry up " Barney pushing me also edging his way into my apartment
Barney sits down on my couch as I straighten my hair and fling on the outfit I got yesterday I walk out my make up done hair curled "right I'm ready to go" I walk out to Barney standing with a cup of coffee I roll my eyes crossing my arms "making yourself at home are we?" he rolls his eyes back and washes the coffee cup as we hurry out the door. I break the silence "so tell me the truth okay" Barney looks at me blanky "okay...about what?"
I sigh and roll my eyes In frustration "why was lily angry at you yesterday and why we're you shouting at her on the phone? It's not like you two to argue like ever" Barney sighed looking down at the ground and he stated the same thing again "I told you an old argument came up between us" I stand in front of him stopping him from walking "barney what on earth is going on? Is it something I've done? Is it ted Marshall? Robin even?" Barney shakes his head and continues walking me now very irritated by the lack of communication i decide just to drop it he will get over it and tell me later. Barney turns to me and smiles "right here we are Maclaren's"
as he opens the door for me I walk in seeing the rest of the group robin runs up giving me a big hug " crystal it feels like I've not seen you in ages I've been so caught up with work recently" I smile at robin "awh don't worry your always caught up with work busy busy" we both laugh and sit down at the booth lily moves over so I can sit. Ted enters smiling and sitting down "guysssss drum roll please.......i GOT THE JOB" we all cheer laughing "crystal Barney how did your day go yesterday" I look at Barney "it went amazingly Barney being so kind got me this new outfit and AND This amazing necklace I love it" robin tells me how amazing I look "guys ill get the next round Barney come with me" lily says Barney nods and stands up.
"what on earth are you doing necklace new clothes what did you guys even do last night" Barney rolls his eyes irritated "all we did was get a outfit go for a burger and went to the top of GNB at night to see the stars" lily glares at Barney angrily "barney you really really have to think about ted here this isint fair"

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