Snow day

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I wake up to barney hovering over me I smile up at him yawning as I turn around covering my face with the covers "hey hey don't go back to sleep it's snowing outside we can have fun in the snow come on wake up" I whine from under the covers "I'm to tired to be running around in the freezing cold I can't be arsed" barney sighs and has a idea he walks over to the front door opening it up "right we're going" he states as he flings me over his shoulder I Yelp in shock "barney put me down BARNEY" he laughs as he runs down the stairs I pound my fists on his back "barney put me down BARNEY PUT ME DOWN" "okay fine if you insist" and with that barney drops me into a pile of snow I hit the snow and scream jumping up with shock " YOU ABSOLUTE ARSEHOLE WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR" I scream at him pushing him barney laughing harder than he has ever laughed before replies "I wanted to wake you UP" I roll my eyes and storm back into the house "YOU just wait Stinson once I change into warm clothes I'm gonna freeze you to death" barney comes up behind me saying a seductive tone "oh really is that so?"
Barney laughs bolting down the road as I chase after with a snow ball "GET HERE YOU ABSOLUTE PRICK" barney stops turns around laughing "MAKE ME THEN" I laugh chasing after round the corner I see barney running across the street I stop aim and BAM head shot barney grabs his head laughing and getting to the other side of the road "I never realised you had a good aim" I continue chasing after almost slipping round every corner the path is all iced over the snow is fresh and crunchy snow flakes hitting my face falling into my hair as I chase after barney. Are chase comes to a end as barney slows down out of breathe i make a snow ball and smash it on the back of his head he shouts out as it hits his head "GOTCHA" I laugh as barney tries to get it of his hair.
"Crystal wanna make a snow man?" I look at barney perplexed by this "why would you wanna make a snow man?" He laughs "my parents never let me run around in snow something about dying of hypothermia" I laugh shoving him as I start to gather snow barney tries to pick some sticks and stones for the face and arms.
After about two hours we stand back barney hugging me close smiling ear to ear "we did it we made a master peace" I laugh "we made a snow man in a suit I hardly call that a masterpiece" barney pushes me playfully laughing to himself "wanna go get hot chocolate" I nod yeah sure why not "FIRST ONE TO THE APARTMENT GETS THE LAST MARSHMALLOWS" barney bolts faster than I've ever EVER seen him run in his life I run round the corner and I can't see him I look around confused all of a sudden I thud to the ground into the snow. barney on top of me laughing then quickly jumping up and running in the direction of the apartment.
I sit down with a blanket over me on barneys couch barney preparing hot chocolates he bring me mine there's a marshmallow in it I look around at him confused "but you won?" He chuckles to himself "I have a whole bag of marshmallows I lied" i gasp and push him of the couch laughing

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