44: Savoring the moment.

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I was sitting in my bed with Cloud standing in front of me. Zack has already left before, saying we had to catch up on the time we lost that was meant for us.

I felt myself blush at the hidden meaning behind it, but I was grateful for his consideration.

The room was silent, usually I would be the one to break the silence, but Cloud was one step ahead.

"So.. How do you feel?" he asked with concern.

His gentle voice warmed my heart.

"Definitely a lot better than before." I chuckled.

However, even though I knew where this was going, and I tried to lighten up the mood, he didn't even budge, his concerned expression remained.

My heart also grew heavy seeing him like this, "I'm sorry.. That must have been something absolutely horrible to witness.. Because if I imagine it vice-versa.. I can't help but want to cry just by thinking about it." I said after the tears welled up in my eyes.

He was watching me intently, "Glad you know what I'm feeling."

I felt myself smile sadly.

"But I'm not trying to blame you for any of this.." he said with a sigh.

I patted the bed where I urged him to sit. Without hesitation, he sat down next to me.

He must have been hurt even more than I.. emotionally.. Losing another person in his life, probably blaming himself that he didn't manage to save a life yet again..

His broad back was facing me as he stared at the ground, deep in his thoughts. 

I reached out towards him and hugged him from behind. He seemed to be taken aback, judging by the slight tension he had in him. As I held him, I felt his body trembling slightly.

"Cloud?" I asked in concern.

But this time I heard him cry. 

I felt myself internally panic, yet I knew the reason behind his cries; it must have all come crashing down on him..

I pulled away from him and proceeded to sit right beside him. He had his arms resting on his knees and his hands on his head. His cries turned into sobs and it was breaking my heart.

Yet I wrapped my hands around his trembling body and pulled him to my arms. His head rested on my chest, but as soon as he felt my warmth, he also put his arms around me and clung onto me, as if I were to disappear if he let go.

Thanks to his presence, I felt my pain disappearing without a trace which reminded me of my dream where I was told about Cloud's ability that he was unaware of.

"Thank you for saving me.." I was stroking his hair gently.

"I.. I didn't....." he said between his cries, "You did. Even if you're unaware."

I made both me and Cloud lie down in my bed since it was big enough for both of us to fit in. He had his head resting on my chest until he cried himself to sleep.

I kept stroking his hair gently, yet I was careful enough to not awake him, "I'm sorry.. I won't ever disappear like this ever again." I whispered.

It wasn't meant to be heard by him, but it was more like my determination that I spoke out loud.

In the end, I also managed to fall asleep, however, my nightmares came back to me.

It wasn't anything specific, but in my dream I was running away from someone who was chasing me. I was running for my life. I was already out of breath, out of energy, bloodied clothes on me because of all the wounds I have suffered, yet I felt so much pain even if it was a dream.

"You're dead!" my hair got yanked by the chaser and my stomach got pierced with a butcher knife.

I was awoken with shock as I gasped loudly and my hands immediately fell on my stomach that was previously pierced. Everything around me was dark and I felt scared until I felt someone getting up beside me while he was stroking my back gently.

"Bad dream?" asked Cloud in a sleepy voice.

He was right next to me which made me feel assured and so calm.

"Yeah.." I said with a deep sigh.

He then made me lie down and hugged me tightly from behind. I would say this is the closest we've got, but that would be a lie.

"There.. Now bad dreams can't get you when you're in my arms.." he said, and not long after I even felt him snooze.

I was really sure that he was half-asleep this whole time. I felt myself smile, and for some reason, his grip tightened around me. I was blushing madly and desperately tried to sleep it off, but I couldn't stop my non-stoping beating heart that was filled with nothing but happiness now.

To be honest, this was the very first night when I didn't have any dreams. And I felt like sleeping forever because of how rested I was able to feel. My eyes weren't budging at all, resting without dreaming was definitely something I would be able to get used to.


The morning came and I was awoken by the commotion downstairs where I heard Barret and Zack, along with Tifa, talking. 

I felt so sleepy that I tried to fall asleep again, but in the process, I nudged my head a little for it to be met with warmth. When I opened my eyes, my gaze was met with ocean blue eyes.

"Morning." said Cloud's gentle voice.

My heart fluttered in happiness to see him as the first thing in the morning. I felt my lips form into a heartfelt smile.

"Good morning, honey~!" I then put my hands on Cloud's cheeks and smooched his lips.

When I separated from him, he had a startled expression on him which made me chuckle happily.

"Seemed like you liked it. Want another one?" I said teasingly but he brushed it off with a smile as he put his hand on his forehead, "Seems like you're all good to go now."

I felt smiling even more widely, "Yeah! I feel amazing today, it's been so long!" I exclaimed as I sat on the edge of the bed.

"Nevertheless, take it easy." he said while watching the ceiling.

My heart beat faster at the worry he had towards me. 

"I can't.." I faked worry which startled him just as I wanted, "Why?" he asked whilst peering into my eyes once I turned to face him.

"How can I take it easy when my boyfriend is this handsome?" I then fussed over him as I showered him with love and affection I held for him.

He chuckled happily and pulled me into his arms that I was now on top of him, looking into his handsome face below. 

I felt myself blush, "I must be heavy.." but he instantly denied it, "No."

I couldn't help but feel my stomach filling up with butterflies. I was so happy.

After peering into his face, I felt my head moving on its own as I went to steal a kiss from my one and only. And even if it was meant to be a peck, it turned into passionate one..

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖢𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽 𝖮𝖿 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖯𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗍Where stories live. Discover now