30: Corneo's colosseum.

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After we exited the elevator, a staff called out to us, "Hey, lovebirds. Over here!" 

He was standing by what seemed to be a resting room, but before we could make our way there,  a big door opened in front of us to reveal the ring where we would be fighting soon.

"In the city that never sleeps." said one moderator, "In the paradise of debauchery and sin- of pain and pleasure, we bid you the warmest welcome." finished the other moderator next to him.

The roar of cheers and applause was heard throughout the whole building that it made the ground below us vibrate.

"Tonight's grand prize is no less than one million gil! And there is only a one way to get it: brutalize your opponent!" they both continued.

"And now, the long-awaited event in which blood starved beasts will battle for your amusement is upon us! Warriors of any shape and size will fight to the death before your eyes! In tonight's CORNEO CUP!" the fireworks suddenly bursted behind them, making it seem like a very nice effect.

The door then closed which left me and Cloud speechless. I was kind of processing what this was about and knowing Cloud was as shook as I was, I spoke up first.

"Wow. This place is really something." I said bewildered at the event.

Cloud only sighed as he went ahead and entered the resting room. I slowly followed behind him, sitting down on a bench to rest my tired and exhausted body. I also felt myself sigh at the sudden relief my legs got. I haven't actually said it, but I was really weak in the legs so any pressure on them made them ache.

With the unbearable silence, I traveled to my visions to see what awaits us because I was truly curious at how to approach this. No one said a thing about rules so I decided to see for myself.

And of course, they weren't going to make this a fair fight. There would be a match where we would be outnumbered, but in the end, with Cloud here, I was hopeful and knew that this could go smoothly. 

I'm sure Cloud was as exhausted as I was so there was no time to slack off.

When I got out of my visions, I felt my sight blur for a second and I could feel the blood running down my nose again. I hastily wiped it off before Cloud could notice but when I looked at him to make sure he didn't see, he was already staring.

I felt myself smile awkwardly, "Uhh.. I just wanted to see if it's going to be difficult or not.. No biggie." I tried to smoothly cover it.

This time, he was wearing a concerned look that made my heart beat faster, "Don't overdo it. Don't use your ability when you don't have to." he said with a gentle voice.

I felt myself smile sadly. As if it was so easy, Cloud...

"But if I don't do this, we might not get to Tifa on time. It's better to be prepared than to regret it later." 

"Before I met you, I did things without needing to know what's to come. In your case, you should rest up before it actually gets urgent." he said with a scolding voice, yet I knew it was his way of cheering me up. 

He was truly a big softie on the inside which made me smile, "Don't worry about me. I've done many things without knowing what the outcome would be as well!" I said, kind of like bragged.

"But sometimes, it wouldn't hurt to take a peek, right?" I chuckled.

He also smiled, even though it was slight, it was there.

The announcer suddenly called us to the ring, "Cloud and Yui, your match will begin shortly. Please wait in front of the gate before it starts." it said.

I felt nervousness surround me.

When me and Cloud were waiting in front of the gate together, out of the sudden adrenaline that rushed through me, I grabbed his hand, "We can do this! Let's win this for Tifa and get out of here quickly!" I gave us both a pep talk, yet it seemed as if it was only for me.

Cloud only smiled as he put his hand on mine, "It's better to expect worse so you don't feel taken aback later. However.. with you in this team..." he didn't get to finish the sentence and we heard the announcers introduce us to the crowd.

"For our next match, we welcome two fighters - a young couple, no less!"

"Talk about a bad date!"

"This is their first tournament."

"A bad first date!"

"And most likely their last, inexperienced as they are– or are they!?"

"Give it up for Cloud and Yui!" 

And as these two moderators kept exchanging their pathetic word play, the gate opened.

"Boo! Get lost! Go home! You suck!" one of the moderators started to encourage the crowd to do the same.

And unfortunately, people do that stuff when they are surrounded by many people. They want to impress, so they were doing exactly what the moderator asked of them.

" 'Couple'!? Get out of here with that lovey dovey bullshit!"

I felt my grip on my rod tighten. Cloud never actually saw me fight, I shall do anything to impress him!

"'Sup with that pole?! Gonna do a little dance for us, baby girl?" I heard one remark that was directed towards me, and even though I was annoyed by it, I couldn't give a damn. 

I felt myself smile at how the audience seemed to hate us just because 'someone' hyped them up to do it.

"Their opponent–one of Wall Market's own, a renowned master of beasts!"

"The demon dogs of hell, the Sanguine Stalkers!" 

Even without taking a peek to the future myself, I knew they would make matches unfair. Just the way they treat newcomers is what would make even a stupid person realize that they aren't going to play by any rules.

Suddenly, two dogs dashed out of the gate that was on the other side. They were getting nearer and nearer, but I knew it was just for a show so I stood still. Cloud probably thought it was going to attack me, so as soon as he readied his sword, the beast master blew on a whistle which made the dogs succumb to his owner. I felt nothing but pity for those dogs.

"First timers, huh? There's no rule that say you've gotta fight man-to-man." he smirked.

Cloud looked towards me, "Ready?" he asked.

I nodded with a determination as we both charged towards our opponents.

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖢𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽 𝖮𝖿 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖯𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗍Where stories live. Discover now