39: Expectations I know I can't meet.

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After I sent the lost souls away, it was quiet again. I was still kneeling on the ground, looking to the sky where some souls were still returning back to their homes.

It warmed my heart knowing that they won't be alone anymore.

"Yui!" Tifa then called out to me and when I looked towards them, she embraced me so tightly.

"Don't disappear on us like this! We need you!" she held onto me as if I was the last hope left.

I felt myself being troubled, "Uh, yeah.. Sorry about that, let's go!" I tried to shake it away.

But then there were floating particles in the sky, a proof of everyone who left to get back home.

Both Cloud and Tifa looked up at the sky, taking a notice of it. They gasped at the sudden view, they probably didn't understand why it happened, but I had to make sure to get them somewhere more important now.

"Let's go." I said as I got out of Tifa's embrace and went ahead.

Cloud was almost too quiet for a situation like his which made me a bit worried, but my mind was currently at the events in front of us. 

We saw the plate engulfed in flames, we heard people screaming, even the helicopter where Reno and Rude was, was right above them, shooting the plate where Avalanche was now.

Without any hesitation, we all ran towards the plate. It was within reach until Whispers appeared right in front of us, blocking our way to our comrades.

"Shit, we don't have time for this!" Tifa shouted out of frustration.

Cloud stood in front of me protectively, blocking me from them. It made my visions travel to back when Zack helped me getting away from them which led Cloud worried at my sudden disappearance.

I then readied my rod and attacked them as well. Their whispers were deafening but for some reason I was accustomed to it already, "Sinner, sinner.." they kept repeating.

I swung my rod and made a path that would last only for a short while if we wouldn't take our chance now.

"Run!" I shouted and we all started running towards the plate.

They kept surrounding us, but the sudden shooting that was happening above made them move there since people were about to meet their fates which made me so nervous.

"Barret!" Tifa shouted after noticing him.

"Tifa! These bastards ain't getting shit from us!" he shouted.

He was definitely so fired up in this that he was excited.

But one of the railings broke and Wedge was the one who was suddenly falling down from quite a height.

"Yui! Stop time! We have to save him!" Tifa shouted.

After the pressure inside of me arose, I felt myself automatically stop the time just before he could hit the ground. Since Wedge was the only one stopped in time, Cloud and Tifa slowly put him on the ground which made me resume it again.

Cloud looked at me in concern, "Don't use your ability too much. We can do this without it." he said sternly, as if scolding me.

"Yui! Stop the time now! We've got to save Marlene!" Barret shouted, "You have to stop time! Biggs and Jessie are still up there!" said Wedge as he held onto my shoulders tightly.

The sudden pressure was getting to me so much that I felt the fear of failure of not being able to meet their expectations.

I stopped the time as they wished, but it didn't last long because Aerith's sudden calling was what interrupted me.

"Yui! What's happening? I feel so much negativity at the back of my head and I know it's from you! Are you okay?" she was frantic.

"A-Aerith, I'm sorry, I can't speak now.. But no matter what happens, don't come to sector 7, okay? It's quite dangerous there currently, and don't worry, I'm just on my way home!" I felt being nervous while talking to her which probably gave me away instantly.

".... Why are you lying to me right now? I can see you right now!" she said which made me whip my head behind me.

And she was truly standing there with Zack beside her. I felt a wave of fear wash over me. I was overwhelmed with emotions that made me have a panic attack.

What if something was going to happen to them! This was a battlefield, get away from here!

"Yui! What the hell are you daydreaming about! Stop the time!" Barret shouted.

I shakily put my hands together and stopped the time while being overwhelmed with so many visions at once.

Aerith was going to get taken by Shinra and Zack would be on the verge of death once again, Jessie is about to die along with Biggs and the plate is going to fall.

"Get Marlene to safety!" Barret shouted which made me realize that I accidentally resumed the time within my visions.

I felt as I was at the verge of collapse of how overwhelming everything was.

I felt someone's hand on my shoulder which made me snap back to reality, "I'm going up, so stay here." said Cloud as he rushed upstairs and I was left with Tifa and Wedge.

Wedge tightened his grip on me again, "Please stop the time! Or at least tell me what to do! Jesse and Biggs are in danger! You can predict something bad from happening, right? So please!" he was holding onto me.

But then he was suddenly yanked away by someone which made me notice it was now Zack standing in front of me protectively.

"Start doing something. Or are you going to make her do everything?" he said with an anger in his voice.

I knew everyone was counting on me because I was able to help them, and I was happy I was considered as someone who was a great asset to them, so even though I'm pressured, I knew I am the only hope they all had.

"Zack, please get back to Aerith.. Shinra is about to get her! Please save her!" I said in a hurry which made him look at me, "... If I leave, what about you?" he asked.

"I can take care of myself, you've seen it many times! So please, don't lose time!" I pleaded.

His face turned into frown, "... Don't overdo it. I'm letting you go just because I know you have Cloud. Don't make me regret it!" he said as he then dashed away towards where Aerith was.

After seeing him go away, a part of my worry disappeared but I couldn't rest for even a second because the railing on the plate exploded and I knew I had to keep going.

"Stop the time!" Barret said pleadingly and I did as he told.

But I stopped it for everyone that I was the only one moving. I made my way upstairs to aid to Biggs first, but after I got there, the time resumed without me wanting it.

No.. no, no, no, no!

I felt myself internally panic at how everything was happening so fast. The smell of gunfire and blood filled my nostrils which made me want to vomit but I was searching for Biggs now.

I stopped the time again but I was already feeling exhausted so I dropped to my knees, now being surrounded with visions which made the time reset once again.

Please, let me save them.. Please, please!

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖢𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽 𝖮𝖿 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖯𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗍Where stories live. Discover now