17: Trial

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They filled me on all the stuff I needed to know, however, the more I found out about how far they wanted to go, I was becoming unsure if I would be of any sort of help. 

Barret seemed to dislike Cloud so much that this room couldn't take any more of this tension between them.

"Here's the rest of your pay. Now that concludes our business." he said with a disgust.

Even though I was more involved into their plans, I started to have second thoughts, but that was probably because I was nervous of my first impression.

"Hey." Biggs tapped me on my shoulder.

Once I turned to face him, his face lit up, "Jessie has been onto something for the whole day. I'm planning to go and see what she is up to tonight. Wanna come along?" he asked.

I felt myself frown, "You mean.. to stalk her?" 

He laughed out whole-heartedly, "No! I'm just going to make sure she is going to be alright. And she is headed the the top floor. There will be many obstacles on the way there, think of it as a test I want to put you through to see if you're worthy of other plans for Avalanche."

Me and Biggs then followed Jessie, but on our way to her, we noticed that Cloud was there with her. It was no wonder to me, but Jessie was head over heels for Cloud. Biggs was a bit more tense than when we decided to follow them.

We were riding on a motorcycle; Biggs was driving and I was behind him, holding onto him.

"Biggs, are you alright?" I asked, he almost flinched at my sudden question, "Yeah, why would I not be?" he said, a bit taken aback.

It was almost too obvious to me, he was in love with Jessie, but Jessie was in love with Cloud. This was a sad love triangle.

I didn't want to bother him with my curiosity.

"They are going to stop, slow down." I said, watching Cloud and Jessie in my vision.

Biggs did as I said and 3 seconds later, Cloud and Jessie really did.

He sighed in awe, "I can't believe this ability was a thing." 

I felt myself smile sadly. 

"Turn left and stop at the end of the crossroad." I said.

It was strange, seeing Biggs do as I say. I didn't like to command people around, it was something I absolutely hated.

We waited for 3 minutes and then we heard a loud screech of brakes. Now, Cloud and Jessie were looking at us in surprise, but Cloud's eyes went on me instantly.

"What are you doing here?" Cloud said, looking into my eyes with a slight annoyance in his voice.

Biggs snickered, "Hold it there, soldier boy. I invited her." he said.

"Biggs, did you track us down thanks to her like this?" Jessie asked with a slight disappointment.

And he was for the loss of words. The more silent it was, the more worse this situation was becoming, "No, don't worry. It was my fault. He wanted to see my ability for himself as we ride to see if I could predict the passing cars at crossroads and since I saw you two coming, I wanted to see you." I lied, too perfectly..

"Yeah.. Had no idea she was leading me to you, but where are you two even going?" said Biggs, continuing this lie.

I felt my heart drop. He really took on the bait and kept at it.

Cloud kept his cold stare on me.

"Oh, okay.." Jessie said, buying it.

Biggs grabbed the perfect opportunity, "Mind if we joined?" he smirked.

"Since you're here, sure thing!" Jessie smiled with a hint of disappointment that she wouldn't be alone with Cloud.

But then Cloud spoke up, "Let me put her up for a test too, then." he said.

I tensed up upon hearing that. What was I? A test subject?

"Excuse me, I'm not a thing–" 

But before I could finish up my sentence, Biggs interrupted me, "Alright."

I looked at him in disbelief.

I get it, people are blinded by the love and do something that sometimes would make people get mad at them, but I felt myself getting irritated by this attitude I was getting from them.

Me and Jessie switched, this time I was "hugging" Cloud from behind. He hissed in pain at my sudden touch which made me separate myself from him. He put his hands on his head, probably trying to ease his pain.

"Are you okay, Cloud?" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah.. It's nothing." he said with a little bit of pain in his voice but he shook it off.

He looked at me over his shoulder, "Hold on to me." he urged me.

I did as I was told as I put my arms around him. Biggs and Jessie were already ahead which left me and Cloud in the back. We caught up with them, but we were still having some distance from them.

"Why are you here?" was what he said, breaking the silence.

"I came here because Biggs told me this would be my trial to get into Avalanche." I answered simply.

"Do you even have what it takes to become part of them? It's not only about the ability, but also about fighting skills." he said coldly.

I felt myself smile, "In all honesty, Cloud... I'm here only to get to know you more.." I said straightforwardly, "And I want to be able to help out where I can." I added to not make it sound too self-centered.

I heard him sigh, "Don't do something you might regret later." he said.

"I won't. I've done that so many times..." ............... in different life.

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖢𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽 𝖮𝖿 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖯𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖾𝗍Where stories live. Discover now